Friendship Messages : Friendship Messages we gonna share with you Friendship Messages girl and boy. I shared with you best collection of birthday wishes for your best friends either is male friend or female friend. We also shared funny wishes and heart touching wishes for your bestie friends. Best fiends is play important role in our life because our best friends always help us in bad situation and also involves in our happy moments in our life. friends help to fill our life with memoirs that when we will old age then we realize how much our friends is importance for our life.
There are many types of friends most important friend is our school and college friends because we most of our childhood spent in school and since childhood our fiends become more strong. So if you have your school friends and college friends then you are lucky person because you already done lot of fun with your friends.
Friendship Messages we shared best and heart touching Friendship Messages in English. You can use our wishes for male friends and female friend or girl friend and boy friend. If your friends birthday is coming then its your responsibility to celebrate your best friend birthday and make this birthday special in your best friend’s life.
So lets find best Friendship Messages from given below with image and click on copy button to copy and send them through any social media.
Best Friendship Messages
Friendship Messages we shared with you best Friendship Messages Girl and Boy to celebrate this special day in your friend life. So lets find from given below.
True friendship cannot be forged overnight. It has to be tested by time over and over again. Thank you for being my true friend and my only soulmate!
You may not be my BFF. But you are my BFFFF (best friend for the foreseeable future).
My family may have raised me. But you’re the one who lifts me.
Our friendship is fleeting. One lifetime and it’ll be over.
Several people understand relativity theory. A few understand quantum physics. Only you understand me.
You’re the last person on earth I’ll be friends with (when everyone else falls by the wayside).
Our friendship is perfection. And it can only improve from there.
No-brainer: Putting you down as my emergency contact when I went to the doctor’s today.
We’re like gin and tonic. Once we’re together, there’s no separating us.
There are friends, and then there are F*R*I*E*N*D*S. You’re definitely the latter.
My parents brought me up. But you never let me down.
Wasting time with a true friend is never time wasted.
A friend is someone who talks behind your back — about how terrific you are.
When you grow up with a childhood friend, you stay in touch with your inner child.
Kid a casual friend about some idiosyncrasy, and the friendship grows shaky. Kid a close friend about some idiosyncrasy, and the friendship grows.
Good friends can talk for hours and never speak a word.
Alone, you’re an island. With a good friend, it’s an island paradise.
The perfect friend argues with you about lots of stuff but agrees with you about the important stuff.
Unlike a lasting marriage, a lasting friendship succeeds without a contract or exchange of vows.
Best friends are like lovers, except one hug is always enough.
When you have many friends, losing one won’t be the end of the world.
The silver lining in being down and out: It lets you know who your friends are.
When life seems like a dark tunnel, a friend lights the way.
Kids are the real geniuses when it comes to making friends.
It’s hard to meet people in life who are willing to give everything without the hope of any return. I call myself lucky because I have someone like that in my life. It’s you!
You have always been there in my hard times and my heartbreaks. I thank god everyday for blessing me with such a true friend like you!
Anyone can be on your mind at any time, but only a handful can stay in your heart all the time. They are called friends. You are one of them to me.
Thank you for being around when I was going through hard times, my best friend forever.
I don’t want thousands of friends on Facebook, nor do I want thousands of followers on Twitter. I just want a real friend like you. Thanks for being present in my life, all the time, all the way.
If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them, I would be at the bottom to catch them. Happy Friendship Day.
Many people can leave their marks in your life, but only a few can leave their marks in your heart. You are one of the very few, my friend!
I won’t promise to be your friend forever, cause I won’t live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.
You know every trick to make me smile and every magic to make my sadness disappear. Your kind of friend is so rare because you are the most precious gem in the world!
Friendship Messages for Best Friend
Thank you for being the greatest gift God could have ever blessed me with. Thank you for touching my life and adding new colors to it. Love you, best friend.
You made my life memorable at every point, and I could not have asked for a better best friend. Thank you, bestie. I cannot imagine my life without you! Love you!
I love how you value me and make sure to make me feel good about myself when I am suffering from my insecurities. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Love you, bestie.
Whatever happens, I have always got your back. I hope you know this. You’re my best friend and I’ll stick by you no matter what.
I believe best friends have twin souls. We feel the same, we think the same, and we’re always on the same wavelength. Love you, bestie.
Rain or shine, you’ll always be my best buddy. Let’s never stop adding to the great tale of our adventures!
What I love about our friendship is that it never gets old. We’re always genuinely interested in each other and always laugh our hearts out together. Love you, buddy.
No matter where life takes us, I’ll always run to you, should you call. That’s what best friends do, and I’d do this and infinitely more for you.
You and I are a pack of two. The closest-knit family and friends. Thanks, my wolf-buddy. I’ve never regretted a single day of our friendship.
It’s as easy as ABC. You’re my best friend, and I’d give my life for you.
Every hero needs a sidekick, and I’m happy to be yours. You’re way cooler than anyone I know, including myself. So happy to be your friend!
You have got a million ways to make me laugh, and this is the best feeling ever. Thank you for always taking care of me and being there for me. I love you so much.
Life can suck, but with the right friend, it can never be dull. Thank you for being my friends. And remember that I will be there for you, always. Hugs and kisses, best friend.
Thank you, soulmate, for making things bright and beautiful. I cannot even imagine how my life would be without you. Thanks for being my constant. Love you to the moon.
A single candle can illuminate an entire room. But a true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lighting up my life.
I’m proud of myself because I was given a chance to meet someone like you. Whatever happens, I’ll always treasure you because I know, I’ll never have another friend like you.
Cute Friendship Messages
Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
If you open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It’s you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you.
It’s not an achievement to make 100 friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 100 years.
We have done everything together since childhood. Today I just want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I look forward to sharing many more of life’s lovely moments with you.
The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.
You’ve taught me everything I know about friendship and loyalty. I can’t say how much I love you, buddy.
You know you can always count on me to help you go through the rough patch. I’m there for you now, and I’ll always be there for you. You’re my best friend.
Hey buddy, you know I’ll always support you and care for you. I’m also up for punching anyone in the face who hurts you, so… you’ve got options. Love you.
You hold a special place in my heart that no one can compete for. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I can’t say how much I appreciate you.
It just occurred to me that I’d never thanked you for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been my greatest supporter in words and in deeds, and I’m eternally grateful for a friend like you.
We get on and fight just like siblings, and that’s very telling because you’ve truly become my family. Thank you for being the closest person I’ve got, and for our wonderful friendship.
I feel like we share the same blood. I’d do anything for you, and I know you’d do anything for me. That’s what best friends are all about.
We don’t need matching necklaces or bracelets to mark our friendship. The marks we have are seared deep in our hearts. You’re my best friend forever.
Our friendship is so effortless and natural, that I’ve no doubt it was meant to be. Thank you for finding me in this big world, friend!
The skies are there for us to conquer, and I’m sure we can do it together. You’re my dream team and my best friend.
You’re the person I’m always comfortable with, and we’re always on the same wavelength. Thanks for being the best friend ever.
Your friendship has been the light to guide me through the roughest seas. Only thanks to you am I still sailing.
In life, Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it’s to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival.
A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I’m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends.
The privilege of true friendship is that we can talk total nonsense, and the best part is that we respect that nonsense.
Always try to spend some time with your true friends, even though you are very busy. Cause one day you can get free time, but there will be no friends around you.
Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies.
If you wake up in a dark room, Blood everywhere, and shaking walls. Don’t worry my friend, you are in the safest place. You are in my heart.
Maybe, I don’t really know you that well. I don’t know how you exactly act, but those things will not keep me away from you. Because those are my reasons why I’m here to know you much better.
Best Friendship Quotes
“Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us.” – Unknown
“Best friends are like diamonds the longer you keep them the more precious they are.” – Dawsons Creek
“Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.” – Unknown
“It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds.” – Gina Barreca
“Being soaked alone is cold. Being soaked with your best friend is an adventure.” – Emily Wing Smith
I’m genuinely proud to be your friend because you never cease to amaze me with your wits, your humor, and your abilities. The world has to know how awesome you are!
In our lives, we meet a lot of people who leave their imprint on us. You’ve left the biggest one, my friend, and have been seared right into my heart.
Everyone has a story, and you’re a big part of mine. Without you, it’s just not the same. Thank you for being in my life, friend.
I remember the day we met because my whole life changed at that moment. I’ve never known sorrow since you became my friend. Thank you for everything.
Being best friends with someone is like exchanging huge parts of yourselves and carrying them around with you. I’ll always take care of you and you of me.
I never feel as much myself as I do when I hang out with you. Best friends don’t need to wear masks around each other, and I’m very grateful to you for accepting me for who I am.
You know you can always come to me and ask for anything, right? I’ll do whatever it takes to help you because you’re my best friend and a part of my soul.
I know what true loyalty means because I see it in your eyes. Glimpses of it are in your words, your actions, your care. I cherish our friendship and the loyalty we have for each other.
You’re not one of those people who leave you when the bad times come. You’ve been with me through thick and thin. Honestly, you’re the best friend I could have hoped for.
“A good friend keeps your secrets for you. A best friend helps you keep your own secrets.” – Lauren Oliver
Quotes About Best Friend
“My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” – Henry Ford
“You can’t describe your best friends in words. You can describe them with memories that you had with them.” – Saurabh Saini
Friendship Messages Images
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