Happy Hug Day Quotes Images Wishes Shayari Messages 2021


Happy Hug Day: Hug day is sixth dat of valentine day on this people hug each other to share feeling and show love.


What is Happy Hug Day ?

To complete the seven days of affection, individuals celebrate Hug Day. It falls on Lincoln’s Birthday, 2 days previous the abundant hoped-for Valentine’s Day. throughout this present day, expressing love and care to somebody you like is that the most special factor.

If you have got roses for Rose Day, chocolates for Chocolate Day, and teddy bears for Teddy Day on Hug day you’ll be able to provides a non-perishable factor , a good hug or by acknowledgement

Happy Hug Day Messages for Girlfriend and beau. a good hug may be a special feeling of fondness to the individuals around you – your family, friends, partners, and special one World Health Organization have bereft of love and a spotlight. However, any people square measure unable to pay this special occasion with the individuals

we tend to love and care. we are able to send our Happy Hug Day Quotes for Love in Hindi and English while not being physically gift.


Happy Hug Day Images and Wallpaper

for more: Happy Hug Day Image 

Happy Hug Day Quotes


“A hug a day keeps the demons at bay.” – German Proverb
“Feel the presence of love, wrapped up within a hug.” – Robert M. Hensel
“Hugs and kisses are ways to express what cannot be said.” – Kacie Conroy
“Hugging: the truest form of giving and receiving.” – Carol ‘CC’ Miller
“I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time.” – Drew Barrymore
“A hug is a perfect gift; one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it.” – Unknown
“We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” – Virginia Satir
“A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance.” – Proverb
“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.” – Ann Hood
“They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.” – Bil Keane
“A hug is an amazing thing. It’s just the perfect way to show the love we’re feeling but can’t find the words to say.” – Johnny Ray Ryder
“That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” – Deb Caletti
“But I’m here to let you know that I’ll love you like you deserve. I’ll treat you right and on a cold, cold night I’ll shower you in hugs and kisses and soup.” – Talia Basma
“And if you see me, smile and maybe give me a hug. That’s important to me too.” – Jim Valvano
“Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.” – Jacques Prevert
“A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away.” – Bil Keane


Happy Hug Day Wishes


With a warm hug I want to tell you that my love for you is real. Happy Hug Day.
If you really love your girl give her a warm hug. Happy Hug Day.
Wish I could hug you tight and shower you with my kisses every day. Happy hug day, my love!
Baby, you are safe in my arms; just like this, I will always protect you. Happy Hug Day.
Happy Hug Day to my angel; the way you love me and come closer to give me a hug simply sets sparkles in my heart.
Staying miles apart doesn’t matter; my love will always find a way to reach you to give you a tight hug. Happy Hug Day.
A long tight hug from you is perfect any day and every day. Love is an abstract thing and can’t be seen, but you can express your love into a warm hug. Happy hug day!
Let’s bring some peace in our lives on this hug day by hugging each other and feeling each other’s heartbeat. I love you so much, my queen. Happy hug day!
Hug is the most genuine emotional touch that erases all worries and sorrows. This hug day I am giving you my warm hugs to remove all negative energies of your life because I love you so. Happy Hug Day my girl!
Set the butterflies free in my stomach, Set sparkle in my heart. How? Simply give me a warm hug because I need it more than you imagine. Happy Hug day my angel.
My snuggling cupcake, I am sending you a big warm hug on your way on this hug day because nothing makes me happy other than putting my arms around you. Happy Hug Day!
Love me, kiss me, and wrap me in your charming hugs because they make my day. Happy Hug Day.
I am in love with you every time you touch me; I would like to hug you every day. Happy Hug Day.
Give me a tight hug and promise me you will never leave me. Happiest Hug Day.
Living without you is unimaginable I love you sweetheart. Happy Hug Day.

Happy Hug Day Wishes for Boyfriend

तुम्हारी बाँहों में आकर हमें जन्नत मिल गयी सारी , खुदा से बोल दूँ की अपनी जन्नत अपने पास ही रखे.
आके तेरी बाँहों में हर शाम लगे सिंधूरी मेरे मन को महकाए तेरे मन की कस्तूरी । हैपी हग डे.
हम को हमी से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो हम अकेले न हो जाये दूर तुमसे न हो जाये पास आओ गले से लगा लो.
मन ही मन करती हूँ, बाते दिल के हर एक बात कह कह जाती हूँ, एक बार ले लो बाहों में अब तो सजना यहीं हर बार कहते कहते रुक जाती हूँ.

Happy Hug Day Wishes for Facebook

I Know You Are Busy, I Know You Don’t Have The Time, But This Hug Is Just A Small Gift, To Say I Am Yours And You Are Mine Happy Hug Day.
Hug someone you love and tell how much you care because When they are gone no matter how loud, shout and Cry they won’t hear you anymore. Happy Hug Day.
Let Me Live And Die In Your Arms. Just Like This, Let Me Continue To Love You. Let Me Live And Die In Your Arms. Happy Hug day.
I am alone for years, In the wait that someone, Search me, love me and hug me forever. Happy hug day.

Happy Hug Day Wishes in Hindi

एक ही तमन्ना, एक ही आरजू बाँहों की पनाह में तेरे सारी जिन्दगी गुजर जाए Happy Hug Day Jan.
कोई कहे इसे जादू की झप्पी.. कोई कहे इसे प्यार मौका है खूबसूरत आ गले लग जा यार.
बातों बातों में दिल ले जाते हो देखते हो, इस तरह जान ले जाते हो अपनी आदतों से दिल को धड़काते हो लेकर बाहों में, तुम सारा जहान भुलाते देते हो Happy Hug Day Jaan.
सिर्फ एक बार गले लगाकर, मेरे दिल की धड़कन सुन फिर लौटने का इरादा हम तुम पर छोड़ देंगे Hug Day मुबारक

Happy Hug Day Status for Whatsapp in English

Happiness is an unexpected hug.
Hug Department: Always Open.
Hugs grease the wheels of the world.
A hug makes you feel good all day

Happy Hug Day Wishes for Girlfriend

When you love someone, tell them by giving an adorable hug. Happy Hug Day.
Give me a tight hug and promise me you will never leave me. Happiest Hug Day.


Happy Hug Day Shayari


एक ही तमन्ना, एक ही आरजू बाँहों की पनाह में तेरे सारी जिन्दगी गुजर जाए Happy Hug Day.
दिल की एक ही ख़्वाहिश हैं धड़कनों की एक ही इच्छा हैं के तुम मुझे अपनी बाहों में पनाह दे दो, और में खो जाऊ Happy Hug Day.
एक बार तो मुझे से सीने लगा ले, अपने दिल के भी सारे अरमान सजा ले, कब से है तड़प तुझे अपना बनाने की,आज तो मौका है मुझे अपने पास बुला ले.
कोई कहे इसे जादू की झप्पी, कोई कहे इसे प्यार, मौका है खूबसूरत, आ गले लग जा मेरे यार.

Happy Hug Day Shayari for Girlfriend

The best feeling is to have you in my arms all day, every day. The best hug is when I get it from you. Happy Hug Day.
Hug is the most secure, pampered kind of love. It doesn’t have to have anything but just a hug can change everything. Happy hug day.
The only solution to the problem, Hug them hard to let go the pain. Happy Hug Day.
Give me a tight hug and promise me you will never leave me. Happiest Hug Day.

Happy Hug Day Shayari for Boyfriend

सिर्फ एक बार गले लग कर मेरे दिल की धड़कन सुन , फिर लौटने का इरादा हम तुम पर छोड़ देंगे हैपी हग डे.
एक बार तो मुझे सीने से लगा ले ..अपने दिल के भी अरमान सजा ले.. कबसे है तड़प तुझे अपना बनाने की.. आज तो मौका है मुझे अपने पास बुला ले.
हम को हमी से चुरा लो दिल में कहीं तुम छुपा लो हम अकेले न हो जाये दूर तुमसे न हो जाये पास आओ गले से लगा लो.
अपनी बाँहों में मुझे बिखर जाने दो.. साँसों से अपनी मुझे महक जाने दो.. दिल बेचैन है कबसे इस प्यार के लिए.. आज तो सीने में अपने मुझे उतर जाने दो.

Happy Hug Day Shayari in Hindi

देखा है जबसे तुझको मेरा दिल नहीं है बस में, जी चाहे आज तोड़ दूँ दुनिया की सारी रस्में, तेरा साथ चाहता हूँ तेरा हाथ चाहता हूँ, बाँहों में तेरी रहना मैं दिन रात चाहता हूँ.
दिल की एक ही ख्वाहिश है, धड़कनों की एक ही इच्छा है, की तुम मुझे अपनी बाहों में पनाह दे दो, और मैं इनमे खो जाऊँ.
मजबूती से बाहों में इस कदर थाम लूं तुझे, की मेरे इश्क की कैद से तू चाहकर भी ना छूट सकें.
इतना ना तड़पाओ मेरे दिल को, इतना ना सताओ मेरे बाहों को, इतना ना छुपाओ तेरे प्यार को, आग दोनों तरफ लगी है, आप ले लो मुझे अपनी बाहों में.

Happy Hug Day SMS in English

As long as you hold me I am safe from all harms Just hold me tight, never let me go I feel so secured in your arms Happy Hugs Day.
Do you Know, there is 1 gift that cannot be given Without Taking It Back It’s a Tight Hug Happy Hug Day.
I want to be the reason you look down at your phone & smile. & Think About Me Happy Hug Day.
I Wish You Were Closer So I Could Hug You Forever Happy Hug Day.

Happy Hug Day Shayari for Girlfriend

बाँहों के दरमियाँ दो प्यार मिल रहे हैं जाने क्या बोले मन डोले सुनके बदन धड़कन बनी ज़ुबाँ.
तेरी मोहब्बत कि तलब थी तो हाँथ फैला दिये हमने, वरना हम तो अपनी जिन्दगी के लिए भी दुआ नही मागते Happy Hug Day.
एक ही आरजू, बाँहों में पनाह में तेरे, सारी जिंदगी गुजर जाये Happy Hug Day My Love.
अपने हिस्से की दुनिया खुद में समेटना या उसका मेरे गले लगना शायद एक ही तो बात है.


Happy Hug Day Message

Happy Hug day dear friend, your hug reflects the sense of my own worth and I cannot say enough ‘Thanks’ for that.
Hug is invented to tell someone that he/she is special, to say that he/she is important. That’s why I am sending you a warm hug to you my friend. Happy Hug Day.
Sending you a big hug my friend on this special day to make your day better. Happy Hug Day!
You save me from my dark days by your strong hugs and warmest feelings. I am sending you one of mine back on this special day of hugs. Happy Hug Day my friend.
You always be there when I need a friend, always keep your arms open to hug me in my distress. Thank you for being in my life. Take my warm hugs. Happy Hug Day.
Happy Hug Day Amigos! Hope you use deodorant before hug someone.
I’m sending my warmest and tight hug and know that I’m always there for you, dear friend.
Thanks for always being there for me to fill my heart with your warmest hug. Happy hug day, friend.
I want to tell you that you’re my best friend and hugging you removes all my sadness away. Thanks for supporting and giving me a shoulder to cry. Happy hug day, friend.
Your hug is like medicine to my depression and pain, my friend. It soothes my heart, calms my mind. I’m grateful to the Almighty for blessing me with a friend like you. Happy hug day.


Other Wishes:

Happy Promise Day Images Quotes Wishes Shayari and Messages 2021

Happy Teddy Day Images Wishes Quotes Shayari and Messages 2021 | WishesHippo

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500+ Happy Rose Day images Quotes Wishes Shayari and Messages 2021 | WishesHippo


February is that the month of affection and what will categorical love while not an enormous hug! it’s tremendous that Valentine’s week includes a separate day dedicating this lovely medium to specific your heat feelings to your dearest. however

If you are  thinking of some words besides the stunning embrace however cannot realize any then we have a tendency to are here to assist you convey your

Happy Hug Day desires. caressing somebody is that the best feeling within the world as a result of it will deliver such a big amount of unuttered words during a second. to save lots of somebody from distress, build somebody feel favourite, erase the slate of sorrows, and provides somebody bravery to begin one thing new, a powerful tight hug will work as if by magic well.

A hug is free and you’ll provides it to your friend, family, and soulmate. What comes best with a hug? Some heart-melting messages. build this hug day special along with your heat fuzzy hugs to your dearest with our messages and acquire your heart flooded.

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