Happy Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in hindi : Sister is one of the most loved person in our life. Sister always firght with us and play in our childhood. Sister help to make our childhood memorable and always stand for us and help. So if your sister birthday has coming then you should celebrate and make special birthday in her life. so here we gonna share with you best Happy Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in hindi and english with Image.
Happy Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in hindi to wish you sister happy birthday in unique and best so your sister impress from you and of course our wishes can put smile on your sister. So checkout our best Happy Birthday Wishes for Younger Sister and send through social media
Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in hindi Image
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Happy Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in hindi
मेरीदीदी,आसमानपर सितारेहैं जितनेउतनी जिन्दगीहो तेरी,किसीकी नजरना लगेदुनिया कीहर ख़ुशीहो तेरी.
ऐ ख़ुदा, मेरीदुआओं मेंइतना असररहें,फूलोंसे भरासदा मेरीबहना काघर रहें.Love u My Bhutni
हरलम्हा आपकेहोठों पेमुस्कान रहे, हर गमसे आपअंजान रहें, जिसके साथमहक उठेआपकी ज़िंदगी, हमेशा आपकेपास वहइंसान रहे… Happy Birthday.हमेनहीं किसीके दिलमें रहनाजानसे भीप्यारी हैहमे हमारीबहना।जन्मदिन मुबारक हो बहना
हरमुश्किल आसनहो, हरपल मेंखुशियां हो,हरदिन आपकाखुबसूरत हो,ऐसाही आपकापूरा जीवनहो
ऐ रब, मेरीदुआओं मेंअसर इतनारहे,मेरीबहन कादामन हमेशाखुशियों सेभरा रहे
चांद से प्यारी चांदनी,चांदनी से प्यारी रात,रात से प्यारी जिंदगी,और जिंदगी से भी प्यारी मेरी बहना…Happy Birthday Sister
आज का दिन बहुत खास है,बहन के लिए कुछ मेरे पास है,तेरे सुकून के खातिर ओ बहना,तेरा #Brother हमेशा तेरे साथ है,और आज तेरा जन्मदिन है इसीलिए Party मुझे याद है…Happy Birthday Sister
बार-बार ये दिन आये,बार-बार ये दिल गाये,तू जियो हजारों साल,यही है मेरी आरजू तेरे लिए बहना हर साल,Happy Birthday Sister…
ख्वाहिशों के समंदर के सब मोती तेरे नसीब हों,तेरे चाहने वाले हमसफर तेरे हरदम करीब हों,कुछ यूं उतरे तेरे लिए रहमतों का मौसम,कि तेरी हर दुआ, हर ख्वाहिश कबूल हो।जन्मदिन की बधाई हो बहन…
मिला है कितना प्यार मुझे तुझसे ओ बहना,कैसे मैं ये दो लफ्जों में बतलाऊं,तू रहे खुश हमेशा इसी दुआ के साथ,तेरे जन्मदिन पर केक कटेगा बड़ा सा,Happy Birthday My Sweet Sister…
ओयेजान कहकरबुलाने वालीकोई गर्लफ्रेंडतो नहींहैलेकिनओये हीरोकहकर बुलानेवाली मेरीबहना है।जन्मदिन की बहुत-बहुत बधाईयाँअच्छेमित्र आयेंगेऔर चलेजायेंगे,लेकिनएक बहनहमेशा मित्रके रूपमें साथदेती है। Happy Birthday Sis..!
खुबसूरत❤ एकरिश्ता तेरामेरा है,जिसपे बसखुशियों कापहरा है,नजरन लगेकभी इसरिश्ते को,क्योंकिदुनिया कीसबसे प्यारीमेरी बहनाहैं।, Happy Birthday My Cute Sister
जिंदगीकी सारीखुशियाँ मिलेतुझे,बसतुम बर्थडेपार्टी देनामत कभीभूलनाGod Bless u Sis..
मुबारक ??हो तुमको यह जन्मदिन ?तुम्हारा,जो मांगो तुम ??रब से वो मिल जाये ?तुम्हें सारा,दुखो ?की कभी काली रात ना आये,❌खुशियों ?से भर जाये घर का आँगन सारा,??मुबारक हो तुमको यह ?जन्मदिन तुम्हारा?
Rab Na ❌Kare Kabhi Tumhen ?Khushiyon Ki Kami Ho,Tumhre Qadmo? Ke Niche Phoolon? Ki Zami Ho,Anso Na❌ Ho Tumhri Ankhon? Mein Kabhi,Agar Ho✔️ to wo Khushiyon? Ki Nami Ho…??Happy B.day to you ? चुुुड़ैल ?
ऐ रब, ?मेरी दुआओं में असर इतना रहे,?मेरी? बहन का दामन हमेशा खुशियों? से भरा रहे,जन्मदिन ?मुबारक हो मेरी प्यारी #Sister❤️❤️
चाँद ?से प्यारी चांदनी.. चांदनी से भी प्यारी रात,?रात से प्यारी ?जिंदगी.. और जिंदगी से भी प्यारे ?आप।??जन्म दिन की ढेरों शुभ कामनाएं बहन ??
ख्वाहिशों ?के समंदर के सब ?मोती तेरे ??नसीब हो,तेरे चाहने वाले ??हमसफ़र तेरे हरदम करीब ?❤️??हों,कुछ यूँ उतरे तेरे लिए रहमतों का ??मौसम,कि तेरी हर ?दुआ, हर ख्वाहिश कबूल ?हो।????जन्मदिन की बधाई!????
Suraj☀️ roshni le kar ?aayaa,Aur? chidyon ne gaanaa? gaayaa,Phoolon? ne hans hans kar ❤️bolaa,Mubarak? ho tumhaara janam din aaya????????Janamdin Mubarak Bahan.????
सब से ?अलग हैं ?बहन मेरी,सब से ?प्यारी है ?बहन मेरी,कौन कहता हैं ?खुशियाँ ही सब होती हैं ?जहाँ में,मेरे लिए तो ❤️खुशियों से भी अनमोल हैं ?बहन मेरी।??Happy Birthday #_Moti??
वो ?किस्मत वाले हैं, जिनके पास आप ?जैसी बहन है,बहन टीचर? भी होती है और दोस्त ?भी ।?? Happy Birthday Di.. ??
दुआ ??है कि ऊपरवाला? तुम्हें हमेशा खुश? रखेऔर? तुम्हारे होठों पर हमेशा? मुस्कान खिली रहे।??हैप्पी बर्थडे प्यारी दी ??
हैप्पी बर्थडे ?Sisterआज दिन बहुत खास हैं,?बहन के लिए कुछ मेरे पास है,?तेरे सुकून के खातिर ओ बहना,?तेरा #Brother ?हमेशा तेरे साथ हैं,और आज तेरा ?जन्मदिन? हैं इसीलिए सबसे पहले Party??? बाकि सब बाद में.
खुशी की ?मेहफिल सजती ?रहे,खूबसुरत हर पल ? खुशी राहे,आप इतना खुश रहे ?जीवन में कि,खुशी भी आपकी ?दीवानी रहे..✨Happy Birthday?? My Sweet Sister✨
ये दिन? ये महीना ये तारीख जब जब आई,?हमने प्यार ?से जन्म-दिन की महफ़िल? सजाई,हर शम्मा? पर नाम लिख दिया ?दोस्ती का,इसकी रोशनी? में चाँद जैसी तेरी सूरत समायी।❤️
Dua? karte hain hum sar jhuka ?ke,Aap apni? manzil ko paye.Agar aapki ?️rahon me kabhi ?andhera aaye,To roshni? ke liye khuda humko? jalaye… Janamdin Mubarak ho Didi??
सब से अलग हैं ?बहन मेरी,सब से प्यारी है? बहन मेरी,कौन कहता हैं? खुशियाँ ही सब होती हैं ?जहाँ में,मेरे लिए तो ?खुशियों से भी ?अनमोल हैं बहन? मेरी।???? Happy Birthday Dear Sister ????
खुशी? से बीते हर? दिन,हर रात? सुहानी हो,जिस तरफ आपके कदम ?पडे,वह फूलों?? की बरसात हो…हैप्पी बर्थडे !?
Janmdin? k shubh ?avsar pr,Bhent? karu kya upahar ?tmhe,Bas ese hi? swekar kr lena,Lakhon lakhon pyar❤️? tumhe…??Janamdin ki bahut bahut badhai tumhe…??
बार बार ?यह दिन आये,बार बार ❤️यह दिल गाये,तू जियो हजारों साल,?यही है मेरी आरज़ू? तेरे लिए बहना हर साल।?
चाँद ? से प्यारी चांदनी… चांदनी से भी प्यारी ✨ रात,रात से प्यारी ? जिंदगी… और ❤️जिंदगी से भी प्यारी मेरी ? बहना…
जन्मदिन ?के ये ख़ास लम्हें❤️ मुबारक,आँखों? में बसे नए ख्वाब मुबारक,?जिंदगी ?जो लेकर आई है? आपके लिएआज… वो तमाम? खुशियों की हंसीं सौगात? मुबारक
जिंदगी की सारी? खुशियाँ मिले तुझे,बस तुम बर्थडे?? पार्टी देना मत कभी भूलना... God Bless u Sister...??
खुबसूरतएक रिश्तातेरा मेराहै,जिसपे बसखुशियों कापहरा है,नजरन लगेकभी इसरिश्ते कोक्योंकिदुनिया कीसबसेप्यारी मेरीबहना हैं.
हरमुश्किल आसनहो, हरपल मेंखुशियां हो,हरदिन आपकाखुबसूरत हो, ऐसा हीआपका पूराजीवन हो,जन्मदिन मुबारक हो प्यारी बहना
मिलाहै कितनाप्यार मुझेतुझसे ओ बहना,कैसेमैं येदो लफ्जोमें बतलाऊ,तूरहे खुशहमेशा इसीदुआ केसाथ आजातेरा जन्मदिनमनाए.
सूरजकी तरहचमकते रहो,फूलोंकी तरहमहकते रहो,यहीदुआ हैइस बहनकी आजकि आपसदा खुशरहो।Happy Birthday Sis..!
बुलंदरहे सदाआपके सितारे,टलतीरहें आपकीसारी बलाएंयही दुआहमारी.आपको जन्मदिनकी हार्दिकशुभकामनाएँ.
जन्मदिन? के इस शुभ अवसर पर क्या तोहफा? दूँ तुम्हे बहन बस इसको स्वीकार? कर लेना लाखों लाखों प्यार? तुम्हे मेरी तरफ से जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं
चाँद ? से प्यारी चांदनी;चांदनी से भी प्यारी ✨ रात;रात से प्यारी ? जिंदगी;और जिंदगी से भी प्यारी मेरी ? बहना…??Happy Birthday Di…??
ये लम्हा कुछ खास है,बहन के हाथों में भाई का हाथ है,ओ बहना तेरे लिये मेरे पास कुछ खास है,तेरे सुकुन की खातिर मेरी बहना,तेरा भी हमेंशा तेरे साथ है…???Wish you a very very Happy Birthday Di…??
खुशी की मेहफिल सजती रहे,खूबसुरत हर पल ? खुशी राहे,आप इतना ?खुश रहे जीवन में कि,खुशी भी आपकी दीवानी रहे…??Happy Birthday Dear Sister…??
ऐ रब ? मेरी दुआओं में असर इतना रहे,मेरी बहन ?का दामन हमेंशा खुशियों से भरा रहे,अगर वो भी हो ? अंधेरे में तो उसका हमसफर ?♂️ उसके साथ रहे,सदा उसके ❤ प्यार दिया मेरी बहन की राहों में जला रहे,उन दोनों की जोड़ी ? हमेंशा बरकरार रहे,उपर वालें की दुआओं का हाथ✋ सदा उनके सर पे बना रहे…बस यही दुआ है…???#Happy Birthday Bahena…??
मिलाहै कितनाप्यार मुझेतुझसे ओ बहना,कैसेमैं येदो लफ्जोमें बतलाऊ,तूरहे खुशहमेशा,इसीदुआ केसाथ आजा,तेराजन्मदिन मनाए
वोकिस्मत वालेहैं, जिनकेपास आपजैसी बहनहै,बहनटीचर भीहोती हैऔर दोस्तभी ।Happy Birthday Di..
चाँद सेप्यारी चांदनी… चांदनी सेभी प्यारी रात,रातसे प्यारी जिंदगी… और ❤जिंदगी सेभी प्यारीमेरी बहना…
खुशीकी मेहफिलसाजती रहेखुबसुरतहर पलखुशी राहेआप इतनाखुस रहेजीवनमें कीखुसी भीआपकी दीवानीरहेखुदा? हरमुश्किल पलोंसे बचाए?आपकोचाँदसितारों? से सजायेआपकोगमसे वास्तान होकभी आपका❌ज़िन्दगीइतना हसाये?आपको।
बारबार यहदिन ऐसेही आये,बारबार यहदिल ऐसेही गाये,तूजिए हजारोंसाल,यहीहै मेरीख्वाहिश तेरेलिए बहनाहर सालजन्मदिनमुबारक।
Funny Birthday wishes for Younger Sister
प्यारी बहना…☺लाखों में मिलती है तुझ जैसी ? बहन,औरकरोड़ो में मिलता है मुझ जैसा ? भाई…??????हेप्पी बर्थ डे बहना… सदा हँसती रहना…??
ये लो तुम्हारा ? Birthday Gift…1000 Rs. का Scratch कार्ड…तुम भी क्या याद करोंगे…कर लो ऐश मेरी बहना…?░░░░░░░░░░░░Scratch करो Aish करों…??????Happy Birthday my Lovely Sister…??
फूलों ? का तारों ? का सबका कहना है,एक हजारों में मेरी ? बहना है…सारी उमर हमें संग ☝ रहना है…??जन्मदिन की बधाई हो बहना…??
U R special, U R a sister who fights with me,plays with me, suggest me & shouts at me.But U r so soft hearted & I love U my dear sister.??Happy Birthday to you!
ईश्वर हर जगह नहीं हो सकते इसलिए उन्होंने माँ ? को बनाया,और माँ ? हर वक्त हमारे साथ नहीं हो सकती,इसलिए उन्होनें बहन ?को बनाया !??Happy birthday Di…??
Life has its Golden? moments& a lovely sister like youMakes them unforgettable??Happy birthday Di…??
Sister,you are like a ? fragrant rose.Sister, you are the greatest gift of life.Sister,you lift my spirit to newer heights.Sister, you make me feel special always.??Happy Birthday my Lovely Sister…
वो किस्मत वाले हैं, जिनके पास आप जैसी बहन है ! बहन टीचर भी होती है और दोस्त भी ! Happy Birthday DiDi…!??
जान कहने वाली कोई ?♀️ गर्लफ्रेंड हो या ना हो लेकिन ओय ? हीरों कहने वाली एक बहन जरुर होनी चाहिए।??
Happy Birthday wishes for Younger Sister in English
I am blessed to have a sister like you, may you have a wonderful day on your birthday. Warm birthday wishes for a perfect sister. Happy birthday my beautiful sister.
We can choose our friends but we cannot choose our family. I am lucky to have you as a family and friend. Happy birthday young sister.
Happy birthday sister; may this day bring blessings to your life.
Wish you a day filled with happiness, laughter, fun, and love. Happy Birthday, sister.
Happy birthday sister! I am very fortunate to have such a caring and loving sister like you. I want to thank you for everything.
Happy birthday sister! Thank you for always being there for me. Love you!
There exists no task more difficult than finding a sister better than you, so I won’t even try.
Hey, you are my sister. Of course, I believe you are THAT age. Happy Birthday.
My childhood would have been imperfect and incomplete without a sister like U. Happy birthday sister.
Sisters are not ordinary human beings. They have the patience of a monk and are more beautiful from within, than what a beauty pageant winner would look from outside.
Pharmaceutical companies should take a few swabs of your DNA and bottle its chemical composition to create a product called Emotional Healer. Happy Birthday, sis
Sisters like you are diamonds. They sparkle, they are priceless and they are truly a woman’s best friend. Happy birthday sis.
Lights, candles, balloons, cake, laughter, cheer, happiness and all that U could ask for. Dear sister all this sending U with my love on this special day. Happy Birthday.
Some people command respect, some admiration, some jealousy, some competitiveness and others, unconditional love. But you command all these things at once. Happy Birthday to my perfect sibling.
When I look at you, I feel like I am looking at myself in the mirror. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see you. Happy Birthday, sis.
God gave me the best. He gave me U. Happy birthday to the best sister ever!!
The Forbes Billionaire List is totally wrong. I am the richest person in the world because no one else has the love of a wonderful sister like you. Happy birthday.
Sister, you are my everything and even more. I feel that I’m definitely one of the luckiest! Happy Birthday.
You are my best sister that I’ve ever had in my life and even in imagination too. Happy Birthday.
It is obvious that you cannot stop having your birthdays and more precisely you can’t stop being my lovely sister. Both these things are really good. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.
A sister is like a different flower from the same garden – that’s why the sun was shining so tenderly on your side. Happy Birthday.
Sister, I believe that you are my everything and that I couldn’t ask more. I consider myself as the luckiest to find you as my sis. Happy Birthday.
You touch my heart like no one else. You have my best cheerleader and sense of support. I’m so happy to celebrate ur birthday with U. Let’s make it the best. happy Birthday.
Dear Sister, U mean the world to me…Have a very Happy Birthday!!
Thank you for being the most loving and caring sister of the whole wide world! Wishing you a very happy birthday, dear sister!
You are the best sister anyone ever had. And I am lucky to have you. It’s a special day. Happy birthday sister!
It’s great to have a sister like you, who, no matter what goes wrong in life, will always be there to support and shelter me. Happy birthday dear!
Happy birthday to the loveliest and most gorgeous woman in the world. You mean the world to me, dear sister.
You are the person that I hold closest to my heart. There is no one in the world that I care for more than you. I wish you a lovely day today. Happy birthday!
Thank you for being my one and only best friend. Happy birthday sister!
Happy birthday sister! Thank you for being such and supportive sister and best friend. I love you!
Happy Birthday, sister! Thank you for always being such an amazing sister!
Happy Birthday, sister! Sending all my love and prayers! May you have a blessed year ahead! Many happy returns of the day.
Happy Birthday, sister! May God keep showering his love and blessings on you and may we get to celebrate more happy days together!
You are a blessing in my life. Happy birthday, little sister!
Dear sister, I hope you know that you mean the world to me. Thank you for saving my ass and taking care of me. HappyBirthday!
You are literally the best sister ever. Happy birthday to the most awesome sister ever!
On this special day, I want you to know that you are the sweetest and loveliest sister in the world. I love you so much. Happy birthday!
It is said that sisters are another form of angels on earth. You sure are one for me! Happy birthday! Wishing you a great year ahead!
Warm hugs and best wishes to my little sister who grows wiser every day. On your special day, I hope and pray that you continue to amaze me the way you always do.
Happy birthday, dear little sis! May God bless you and all your wishes and dreams come true! Very happy returns of the day, sweetie!
Though you have grown into a beautiful woman you are still that cute little panda. You used to stick to my side just like a baby panda. Happy Birthday panda.
You are the small little package of a precious gift. Small yet the most valuable person in my life. Happy Birthday little sister.
It doesn’t mater how much older you become; you’ll always remain to be my sweet little sister. Have a great day. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday moon pie! Hope you grow up to become a wonderful and compassionate individual.
On your birthday I just wanted to share with you just how much you mean to me. If anybody ever breaks my little sister’s heart, I’ll kill them. Sincerely, elder brother.
Happy Birthday Messages for SisterDear little sister, it seems you’re growing older. I hope we will continue to share this strong bond between us all through life.
It’s nice that you’re growing up little sister. Best wishes and happy birthday!
Dear, little sister. Though we fight like cat and mouse over little things, in the end, I will always give mine to you. Because you are my heart. Happy Birthday sweetie.
Despite being the younger one, sometimes you act like you are the older one. I’m proud to have a sister like you who knows everything. Happy Birthday. May God
The day you were born was such a memorable moment in my life; you have been a true friend and sister. Wish you a happy birthday my dear sister.
Thank you for being there for me during the difficult moments and happy moments. You are the best sister I have ever had. Happy birthday, sister.
May this day bring you happiness and joy; Happy Birthday dear sister.
Happy birthday young sister. Wishing you a long life full of blessings.
We have shared a lot since childhood; they are great moments to remember. Happy to have you as my sister. Happy Birthday my sweet sister.
You are my younger sister but you inspire me a lot. May this day make your dreams come true. Happy birthday, sister.
May your dreams come true on this special day, wishing you a blessed and happy birthday
I am happy to watch you grow; you bring happiness to my life. Happy birthday young sister.
Happy Birthday Message for Younger Sister
Your friends may forget to wish you a happy birthday, but I will always be for you. I will not forget your special day. Happy birthday dear sister!
As you blow the candles, may your entire sorrows be blow off. Have a wonderful day dear sister.
May the almighty bless you on this special day in your life and the years to come; Wish you a happy birthday my dear sister.
Receive a warm hug as you celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday young Sister.
I am blessed to have you as a sister. Happy birthday on this special day. Best wishes dear sister.
Our childhood memories are kept alive by you. How beautiful and memorable. Happy birthday dear sister!
I am glad to have a great sister like you. May this day bring you lots of blessings, Happy Birthday Little Sister!
As the years pass by, I have seen you grow; you have always made me smile. I can’t forget the day you were born, Happy birthday young Sis.
May this day bring you lots of happiness, and may it continue for a lifetime. Happy birthday to little sister
For your birthday this year, I am planning something special for you, my little one. I wish you all the happiness of this world and many more birthdays to come. I hope you will enjoy your day and seize every moment life gives you.
Growing up I always looked up to you, and as we grow older, I still do. Thanks for always showing me how it’s done with style. Happy birthday to my role model!
Sister, no one shines as brightly as you do. You do more than stand out in a crowd; you dazzle people with your kindness and generosity. Thanks for always bringing the sparkle into my life.
I hope your birthday contains only warm, fuzzy, and pleasant memories. May it signal the beginning of a year filled only with hope and promise. Happy birthday sister!
You are an amazing sister. Not only do you always shower me with love, but you love me for who I am. Thank you for never judging and only loving me. I am so grateful.
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