99+ Abraham Maslow Quotes for Motivation | WishesHippo


Abraham Maslow Quotes : Todays we are goanna share with you best Abraham Maslow Quotes for motivation and inspired. He has brilliant mind he was author and people inspired from his quotes that why we share with you top Abraham Maslow Quotes. You can read or can copy to share through social media to friends.

About Abraham Maslow : “Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization. Wikipedia

Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization. Wikipedia

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Abraham Maslow Quotes in English

"A child wants some kind of undisrupted routine or rhythm. He seems to want a predictable, orderly world. For instance, injustice, unfairness or inconsistency in the parents seems to make a child feel anxious and unsafe. This attitude may not be so mu"
"If both the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified, then there will emerge love and affection and belongingness needs, and the whole cycle already described will repeat itself with this new centre. Now the person will feel keenl"
"The fact is that people are good, if only their fundamental wishes are satisfied, their wish for affection and security. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior."
"Innocence can be redefined and called stupidity. Honesty can be called gullibility. Candor becomes lack of common sense. Interest in your work can be called cowardice. Generosity can be called soft-headedness, and observe : the former is disturbing,"
"We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings."
"To objectify our subjective thought so as to be able to look at it and improve it toward perfection. To seek peak experiences."
"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness."
"He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail."
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
"What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization."
"White-Headed Chief was wealthy, even though he owned nothing. In what way did virtue pay ? The men who were formally generous in this way were the most admired, most respected, and the most loved men in the tribe. These were the men who benefited the"
"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself."
"If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a thousand miles away, I'd still swim. And I'd despise the one who gave up."
"To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail."
"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life."
"Classic economic theory, based as it is on an inadequate theory of human motivation, could be revolutionized by accepting the reality of higher human needs, including the impulse to self actualization and the love for the highest values."
"If you love the truth, you'll trust it - that is, you will expect it to be good, beautiful, perfect, orderly, etc., in the long run, not necessarily in the short run."
"The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short."
"I was awfully curious to find out why I didn't go insane."
"Dispassionate objectivity is itself a passion, for the real and for the truth."
"A first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting."
It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."
"The desire to know and to understand are themselves connotative, i.e. have a striving character, and are as much personality needs as the `basic needs' we have already discussed."
"It is too simple to say `man is basically good' or `man is basically evil'. The correct way would be to say `man can become good (probably) and better and better, under a hierarchy of better and better conditions, but also it is very easy, even easie"
"The way to recover the meaning of life and the worthwhileness of life is to recover the power of experience, to have impulse voices from within, and to be able to hear these impulse voices from within - and make the point : This can be done."
"What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself."
"When all you own is a hammer, every problem starts looking like a nail."
"One's only rival is one's own potentialities. One's only failure is failing to live up to one's own possibilities. In this sense, every man can be a king, and must therefore be treated like a king."
"All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization."
"I have come to think of this humanist trend in psychology as a revolution in the truest, oldest sense of the word; the sense in which Galileo, Darwin, Einstein, Freud and Marx made revolutions, i.e. new ways of perceiving and thinking, new images of"
"Too many of the findings that have been made in animals have been proven to be true for animals, but not for the human being. There is no reason whatsoever why we should start with
"If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life."
"We may define therapy as a search for value."
"But behavior in the human being is sometimes a defense, a way of concealing motives and thoughts, as language can be a way of hiding your thoughts and preventing communication."
"We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings."
"We fear to know the fearsome and unsavory aspects of ourselves, but we fear even more to know the godlike in ourselves."
"If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
"About eighty to ninety per cent of the population must be rated about as high in ego-security as the most secure individuals in our society, who comprise perhaps five or ten per cent at most."
"Man is ultimately not molded or shaped into humanness. The environment does not give him potentialities and capacities; he has them in inchoate or embryonic form, just exactly as he has embryonic arms and legs. And creativeness, spontaneity, selfhood"
"If you treat your children at home in the same way you treat your animals in the lab, your wife will scratch your eyes out. My wife ferociously warned me against experimenting on her babies."
"The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior."
"This Third Psychology is now one facet of a new philosophy of life, a new conception of man, the beginning of a new century of work."
"There is, first, the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Secondly, we have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or es"
"We fear to know the fearsome and unsavory aspects of ourselves, but we fear even more to know the godlike in ourselves"
"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
"A first rate soup is better than a second rate painting."
“The fact is that people are good. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior.” – Abraham Maslow
Most people experience both tragedy and joy in varying proportions. Any philosophy which leaves out either cannot be considered to be comprehensive.” – Abraham Maslow
“The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even ecstasy.” – Abraham Maslow
“Not allowing people to go through their pain, and protecting them from it, may turn out to be a kind of over-protection, which in turn implies a certain lack of respect for the integrity and the intrinsic nature and the future development of the individual.” – Abraham Maslow
“It isn’t normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.” – Abraham Maslow
“We need not take refuge in supernatural gods to explain our saints and sages and heroes and statesmen, as if to explain our disbelief that mere unaided human beings could be that good or wise.” – Abraham Maslow
“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” – Abraham Maslow
“Be independent of the good opinion of other people.” – Abraham Maslow
“It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually.” – Abraham Maslow
“Self-actualizing people must be what they can be.” – Abraham Maslow
“I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” – Abraham Maslow
“The great lesson from the true mystics is that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one’s daily life, in one’s neighbors, friends, and family, and in one’s backyard.” – Abraham Maslow
“I have learned the novice can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is not to be afraid of making mistakes, or of appearing naive.” – Abraham Maslow
“Religion becomes a state of mind achievable in almost any activity of life, if this activity is raised to a suitable level of perfection.” – Abraham Maslow
“Creativity is a characteristic given to all human beings at birth.” – Abraham Maslow


Abraham Maslow Quotes in Hindi

"अगर शारीरिक और सुरक्षा दोनों आवश्यकताओं को काफी अच्छी तरह से स्वीकार किया जाता है, तो प्रेम और स्नेह और अपनेपन की ज़रूरतें उभरेंगी, और पहले से वर्णित पूरा चक्र इस नए केंद्र के साथ खुद को दोहराएगा। अब व्यक्ति उत्सुक महसूस करेगा।"
"तथ्य यह है कि लोग अच्छे हैं, अगर केवल उनकी मौलिक इच्छाएं संतुष्ट हैं, उनकी स्नेह और सुरक्षा की इच्छा है। लोगों को स्नेह और सुरक्षा दें, और वे स्नेह देंगे और उनकी भावनाओं और उनके व्यवहार में सुरक्षित रहेंगे।"
"मासूमियत को फिर से परिभाषित किया जा सकता है और मूर्खता कहा जा सकता है। ईमानदारी को भोलापन कहा जा सकता है। मोमबत्ती सामान्य ज्ञान की कमी बन जाती है। आपके काम में रुचि को कायरता कहा जा सकता है। उदारता को नरम-नेतृत्व कहा जा सकता है, और निरीक्षण करें: पूर्व परेशान है।"
"हम उस स्थिति में नहीं हैं जिसमें हमारे पास काम करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है। हमारे पास पहले से ही क्षमता, प्रतिभा, दिशा, मिशन, कॉलिंग हैं।"
"हमारे व्यक्तिपरक विचार को स्पष्ट करने के लिए ताकि वह इसे देख सके और इसे पूर्णता की ओर बढ़ा सके। चरम अनुभवों की तलाश करने के लिए।"
"वर्तमान क्षण में होने की क्षमता मानसिक कल्याण का एक प्रमुख घटक है।"
"वह एक हथौड़ा के साथ अच्छा है सब कुछ एक नाखून है सोचने के लिए जाता है।"
"यदि आपके पास एकमात्र उपकरण हथौड़ा है, तो आप हर समस्या को एक नाखून के रूप में देखते हैं।"
"श्वेत-प्रधान प्रमुख धनी थे, भले ही उनके पास कुछ भी नहीं था। किस तरह से पुण्य का भुगतान किया जाता था? इस तरह से औपचारिक रूप से उदार पुरुष सबसे अधिक प्रशंसा, सबसे सम्मानित और जनजाति में सबसे अधिक प्यार करने वाले पुरुष थे। ये थे जिन पुरुषों ने लाभ उठाया "


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