Happy 48th Birthday wishes : In this post you will find out the best collection of Happy 48thBirthday wishes and Happy 48thBirthday wishes for son. so doesn’t mater today is your daughter birthday or son birthday you can find wishes for both them. We have more then 100 collection of wishes for your daughter and son to celebrate their birthday.
Happy 48thBirthday wishes is so special for your as parent this is time when your baby become more mature so lets make this day so special and celebrate it with lot of happiness You are so happy and luckiest person because you have cute baby and now they gonna turn 4 years old that means lot of happiness moment for your life.
So here you can find Happy 48thBirthday wishes for daughter and Happy 48thBirthday wishes for son to celebrate their birthday. We also attached some more images to that help to show your feeling though our wishes and images for Happy 48thBirthday wishes.
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Best Happy 48th Birthday wishes
In the middle of this world, I found you and I hope you have a very good 48th birthday.
I forgot your age, I stopped counting and continued to celebrate my life, do you agree?
You have a happy 48th birthday and show your enemies that you are really serious.
A life well lived, filled with happiness and joy. Thank you, Lord, for taking me this far. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Today, I will put all past hurt and pains behind me. I know it will be a memorable day. Happy 48th birthday to me.
No matter how bad the past is, it can only get better with God. I celebrate today. Happy 48th birthday to me.
It is your mercy and Grace that kept me this far. I celebrate a life worth celebrating. Happy 48th birthday to me.
The journey of life is sometimes rough and not smooth. Sometimes, we feel like giving up but the battle is not for the weak but for those with a strong heart. Happy 48th birthday to me.
I celebrate a life of success, a life of joy, a life of happiness. I celebrate a more rewarding life. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Today, I will dance and be merry. It’s my birthday. Happy 48th birthday to me. I celebrate me.
The young girl of yesterday is now 48. Funny how life passes so soon. Happy 48th birthday to me.
I celebrate each and every moment of my existence. Thank you, Lord, for making this journey worthwhile. Happy 48th birthday to me.
There will always be a chance to be happy after the birthday.
I put all my trust in you and you will never move away from your goals, have a good day!
My dear, you’re one of the brightest stars I’ve ever seen, I wish you all the best in the present.
Who would have thought that you would become a wonderful woman, now 48 years old!
You deserve to be happy, so do not hesitate and celebrate, happy 48th birthday, my best wishes!
I would not say you are 48, I swear, it will be our little secret, so let’s have fun!
I did not come into this world by mistake, neither did I live a life of mistake. Thank you, Lord, for always helping me to make the right choice in life. Happy 48th birthday to me.
I will dance and dance, laugh and play. I will celebrate today by feeling young again. It’s my birthday. Happy 48th birthday to me.
When I look back at what the Lord has done for me. He guided and protected me. He helped me to make the right decisions in life. I can’t thank you enough lord. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Today, I celebrate a woman of honour and courage. I celebrate the me who never gives up. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Each time, I hear you are a man, I want to tell them a man also have the right to hurt inside. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to stay strong. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Lord, I thank you for adding another year to my age. I feel lucky to be among the living. Happy 48th birthday to me.
It is a blessing to be alive to witness today. Thank you, Lord, for keeping me. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Today, you are 48 years old, you look like a 47 year old man, you have the happiest birthday!
Not because you look cool outside if you’re not in, happy birthday!
Now that you’re fat, you can make decisions and have fun.
Wait, I want you to know that you are a fun person and that you have a happy day!
It’s not too late to make changes in your life, go ahead, catch it, you can do it.
Today is about me. All I want to do is to take care of me, myself and I. Happy 48th birthday to me. I celebrate grace.
Today is one of those days that I look back and tell myself, I am proud of me. Getting here is not easy. The road is not smooth but despite all, I came out strong. Happy 48th birthday to me. Keep soaring higher.
Hurray! It is my birthday. Happy 48th birthday to me. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and Grace. May this new age be remarkable.
I shall not die young. I will live a long and healthy life. Happy 48th birthday to me. Thank you, Lord, for your grace.
It can only be you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for taking me this far. Happy 48th birthday to me.
I will have more reasons to celebrate and rejoice. Happy 48th birthday to me. Thank you, Lord, for taking me this far.
Sometimes times will be difficult, but you have to continue, so it must be now.
Happy 48th birthday, can you still find the time to celebrate your birthday, like today?
I believe in you and I know that one day you will come to the place where you want to be, happy birthday, my daughter!
You do not rejuvenate, but your will is always strong, enjoy a special day.
Happy 48th birthday, continue to have the same success as today and to do more.
You will always be you and me, happy 48th birthday to the soul of my beloved, you.
Happy 48th Birthday wishes for Husband and wife
Looking back at the past, all I can say is thank you Lord for taking me this far. Your love and Your grace brought me where I am. Happy 48th birthday to me.
Today, I celebrate life of grace. There were times I wanted to give up but your love and grace kept me. Happy 48th birthday to me.
I shall not die young. I will live long to enjoy the fruits of my labour. Happy 48th birthday to me.
All I can say is thank you Lord for keeping me. Your mercy and your grace brought me this far. Happy 48th birthday to me.
You belong to a world full of happiness, a world full of smile, find now this world.
It’s not easy to be you, I’m pretty sure of that, with the difficulties you face, but everything will be fine!
You are the best friend I have ever had and I want you to know that I want a happy 48th birthday!
Believe who you are and the rest of the world will follow you, happy birthday, darling.
There will be times when you will need a moment to catch up, but you will do it, my dear.
There is nothing better in the world than someone who will welcome you a happy birthday at 12 o’clock.
There will be a moment when you will want to give up, but you have to continue, happy birthday.
I offer you all my love, hoping to adopt a moment and live a happier life.
There is something in your speech mode that makes me listen and have a good day!
There is so much to see and explore in the world. Go ahead, happy 48th birthday!
You have always been an ordinary person, so I hope you will love this gift I have for you.
There is nothing I do not like about you, so I wish you a happy birthday now.
You are progressing and you have the time of your life that you deserve and I want you to have it today.
I tell you that I wish you a happy 48th birthday and that you will be in good health for a long time.
You can go there and show the world what you can do, you will do it to perfection.
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