Bill Nye Quotes : Bill Nye is educator he used to inspire people by their quotes, Bill Nye Quotes is famous all over the world. Today we share with you best collection of Bill Nye Quotes that might you inspire and show the best way to live life.
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Bill Nye dedicated whole life to their work and make more better life for people. Still lot of people follow Bill Nye quotes.
About Bill Nye Quotes “William Sanford Nye, popularly known as Bill Nye the Science Guy, is an American mechanical engineer, science communicator, and television presenter. Wikipedia
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Bill Nye Quotes
“We are just a speck, on a speck, orbiting a speck, in the corner of a speck, in the middle of nowhere.” ~ Bill Nye
“To leave the world better than you found it, sometimes you have to pick up other people’s trash.” ~ Bill Nye
“There really is no such thing as race. We all came from Africa. We are all of the same stardust. We are all going to live and die on the same planet, a Pale Blue Dot in the vastness of space. We have to work together.” ~ Bill Nye
“You and I are made of stardust. We are the stuff of exploded stars. We are, therefore, at least 1 way that the Universe knows itself. That, to me, is astonishing.” ~ Bill Nye
“Science is the best idea humans have ever had. The more people who embrace that idea, the better.” ~ Bill Nye
What happens to other species also happens to us.bill nye thoughts
People and stars are made of the same stuff.bill nye
Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.bill nye words
Humor is everywhere in that there’s irony in just about anything a human does.bill nye quotes images
Recommending or insisting on abstinence has been completely ineffective.
Hard to find anything lovelier than a tree. They grow at right angles to a tangent of the nominal sphere of the Earth
Science is a part of everyone’s everyday life.
“There’s nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind.” ~ Bill Nye
“Science is the key to our future, and if you don’t believe in science, then you’re holding everybody back. And it’s fine if you as an adult want to run around pretending or claiming that you don’t believe in evolution, but if we educate a generation of people who don’t believe in science, that’s a recipe for disaster. We talk about the Internet. That comes from science. Weather forecasting. That comes from science. The main idea in all of biology is evolution. To not teach it to our young people is wrong.” ~ Bill Nye
“I understand that you take the Bible, as written in English, translated many many times over the last three millennia as to be a more accurate, more reasonable assessment of the natural laws we see around us than what I and everybody in here can observe. That, to me, is unsettling.” ~ Bill Nye
“Science is the best thing humans beings have ever come up with. And if it isn’t, science will fix it.” ~ Bill Nye
“The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.” ~ Bill Nye
“I speak with dogs frequently. They don’t really talk, but I feel they’re communicating.” ~ Bill Nye
“The meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future. The claim that we would not have morals or ethics without religion is extraordinary. Animals in nature seem to behave in moral ways without organized religion.” ~ Bill Nye
“Science is the key to our future, and if you don’t believe in science, then you’re holding everybody back.” ~ Bill Nye
“The natural world is a package deal; you don’t get to select which facts you like and which you don’t.” ~ Bill Nye
“Evolution is one of the most powerful and important ideas ever developed in the history of science. Every question it raises leads to new answers, new discoveries, and new smarter questions. The science of evolution is as expansive as nature itself. It is also the most meaningful creation story that humans have ever found.” ~ Bill Nye
“What happens to other species also happens to us.” ~ Bill Nye
“The Earth is not 6,000 or 10,000 years old. It’s not. And if that conflicts with your beliefs, I strongly feel you should question your beliefs.” ~ Bill Nye
“Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym.” ~ Bill Nye
“The most serious problem facing humankind is climate change. All of these people breathing and burning our atmosphere has led to an extraordinarily dangerous situation. I hope next generation will emerge and produce technology, regulations, and a worldview that enable as many of us as possible to live happy healthy lives.” ~ Bill Nye
“Science provides a much more satisfactory way to seek answers than does any religion.” ~ Bill Nye
“Hard to find anything lovelier than a tree. They grow at right angles to a tangent of the nominal sphere of the Earth.” ~ Bill Nye
“People and stars are made of the same stuff.” ~ Bill Nye
“SCIENCE is a part of EVERYONE’S everyday life.” ~ Bill Nye
“There are two questions that get to us all: Are we alone in the Universe? And, where did we come from? For me, science provides a much more satisfactory way to seek answers than does any religion I’ve come across. With that said, the universe is mysterious and wonderful. It fills me with reverence for nature and our place among the stars; our place in space.” ~ Bill Nye
“There are two ways to be rich: to have more or needless. It’s estimated that we squander about 30 percent of our energy leaving the lights on, the refrigerator door open, and so on. Then there is the enormous amount of food that we expend huge amounts of energy to raise and then throw away.” ~ Bill Nye
“There are just two people entitled to refer to themselves as “we”; one is the editor and the other is the fellow with a tapeworm.” ~ Bill Nye
“Our goal in science is to discover universal laws of nature. That pursuit fills me with wonder.” ~ Bill Nye
“When we explore the cosmos, we come to believe and prove that we can solve problems that have never been solved. It brings out the best in us. Space exploration imbues everyone with an optimistic view of the future.” ~ Bill Nye
“The information you get from social media is not a substitute for academic discipline at all.” ~ Bill Nye
“That’s what makes a human a human, if we store information outside our bodies.” ~ Bill Nye
“By the way, most of the light that comes from the sun is green.” ~ Bill Nye
“If you look back on all the teachers that you liked, I am sure you will find they were very entertaining.” ~ Bill Nye
“For me, the meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future.” ~ Bill Nye
“If you memorize the periodic table it will speed you up if you’re a chemist, but by and large, the reason you have a periodic table is so that you can store that information outside of your body. That way it frees up some part of your brain to do something else…” ~ Bill Nye
“As my old professor Carl Sagan said so often, ‘When you’re in love, you want to tell the world.’ And I base my beliefs on the information and the process that we call science. It fills me with joy to make discoveries every day of things I’ve never seen before. It fills me with joy to know that we can pursue these answers. It is an astonishing thing that we are — you and I are one of the ways the universe knows itself.” ~ Bill Nye
“Along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people. We’re a lot like dogs in that regard. If a Great Dane interacts (can we say interact?) with a Chihuahua, you get a dog.” ~ Bill Nye
“The Big Bang banged, and for some reason we’re here. And that’s astonishing. And that we can understand that, that’s the most astonishing.” ~ Bill Nye
“I often reflect on what an extraordinary time (pun intended) it is to be alive here in the beginning of the twenty-first century. It took life billions of years to get to this point. It took humans thousands of years to piece together a meaningful understanding of our cosmos, our planet and ourselves. Think how fortunate we are to know this much. But think also of all that’s yet to be discovered. Here’s hoping the deep answers to the deep questions-from the nature of consciousness to the origin of life-will be found in not too much more time.” ~ Bill Nye
“It is my mission to change the world. I’m not kidding: Make no small plans, dream mighty things. I feel if we get enough people engaged in climate change, we will get enough people to change the world. We will revolutionize the way we produce electricity and provide clean water to people.” ~ Bill Nye
“If the Earth gets hit by an asteroid, it’s game over. It’s control-alt-delete for civilization.” ~ Bill Nye
“We are special in the sense that we can know our place in the cosmos. We can know our place in space. We are at least one of the cosmos’s ways of knowing itself. That fills me with reverence and joy. Another insight I really want people to consider is this: everyone has gotten this far. Everyone you meet has made it this far. Nobody is superior to anyone else from an evolutionary standpoint.” ~ Bill Nye
“Not wasting any water bottles is good. Not leaving the lights on is good. Turning the thermostat down in the winter, up in the summer, is good. But the best thing any of us in the developed world, especially in the United States, can be doing is talking about it.” ~ Bill Nye
“Tax dollars intended for science education must not be used to teach creationism as any sort of real explanation of nature, because any observation or process of inference about our origin and the nature of the universe disproves creationism in every respect.” ~ Bill Nye
“Talk about science with everyone you meet. Especially talk about climate change. It needs to become a part of our everyday conversation (the way it is everywhere else in the world).” ~ Bill Nye
“I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, that’s completely inconsistent with the world we observe, that’s fine. But don’t make your kids do it. Because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need engineers that can build stuff and solve problems.” ~ Bill Nye
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