E E Cummings Quotes for Motivation


E E Cummings Quotes : E E Cummings Quotes is educator he used to inspire people by their quotes, E E Cummings Quotes Quotes is famous all over the world. Today we share with you best collection of E E Cummings Quotes Quotes that might you inspire and show the best way to live life.

I also personally fan of E E Cummings Quotes Quotes that why I decided to share with you. E E Cummings Quotes Quotes increase you boost your working power and their quotes help to remove stress. So that why I recommend to you to read E E Cummings Quotes Quotes and learn more about Life.

E E Cummings Quotes dedicated whole life to their work and make more better life for people. Still lot of people follow Cher quotes.

About E E Cummings Quotes Quotes “Edward Estlin Cummings, often written in all lowercase as e e cummings, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. He wrote approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays, and several essays. He is often regarded as one of the most important American poets of the 20th century. Wikipedia

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E E Cummings Quotes

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
e. e. cummings

The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.
e. e. cummings

Yours is the light by which my spirit’s born: – you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.
e. e. cummings

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
e. e. cummings

yours is the light by which my spirit’s born:
yours is the darkness of my soul’s return
—you are my sun,my moon,and all my stars

i love you much(most beautiful darling)

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

love is the voice under all silences,
the hope which has no opposite in fear;
the strength so strong mere force is feebleness:
the truth more first than sun more last than star

I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance

and remember one thing only: that it’s you–nobody else–who determine your destiny and decide your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else.

Ignorant people really must be educated; that is, they must be made to stop feeling something, and compelled to begin knowing or measuring everything. Then (then only) they won’t threaten the very nonexistence of what all simple people call civilization.

Very luckily for you and me, the uncivilized sun mysteriously shines on “good” and “bad” alike. He is an artist.

it’s no use trying to pretend that mostpeople and ourselves are alike. Mostpeople have less in common with ourselves than the squarerootofminusone. You and I are human beings:mostpeople are snobs.

Life,for eternal us,is now;and now is much too busy being a little more than everything to seem anything,catastrophic included.

A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feeling through words.

…whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.

To be nobody-but-yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

And so my advice to all young people who wish to become poets is: do something easy, like learning how to blow up the world-unless you’re not only willing, but glad, to feel and work and fight till you die.

Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star.
e. e. cummings

The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.
e. e. cummings

The first step to expanding your reality is to discard the tendency to exclude things from possibility.
e. e. cummings

Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.
e. e. cummings

I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
e. e. cummings

You and I are more than you and I because it’s we.
e. e. cummings

Whenever you think or you believe or you know, you’re a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you’re nobody-but-yourself.
e. e. cummings

Love is the whole and more than all.
e. e. cummings

may my heart always be open to little birds who are the secrets of living
e. e. cummings

Laughing is just another way of showing people your wise
e. e. cummings

Listen; there’s a hell of a good universe next door: let’s go.
e. e. cummings

…remember one thing only: that it’s you-nobody else-who determines your destiny and decides your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else.
e. e. cummings

Your head is a living forest full of songbirds.
e. e. cummings

Exists no miracle mightier than this: to feel.
e. e. cummings

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
e. e. cummings

The artist is not a man who describes, but a man who feels.
e. e. cummings

I’d rather have two good friends, than 500,000 admirers.
e. e. cummings

a poet is someone who is abnormally fond of that precision which creates movement. Which is to say the highest form of concentration possible: fascination; to report on the electrifying experience of being
e. e. cummings

Thanks for read E E Cummings Quotes for Motivation

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