Morgan Freeman Quotes : Morgan Freeman is educator he used to inspire people by their quotes, Morgan Freeman Quotes is famous all over the world. Today we share with you best collection of Morgan Freeman Quotes that might you inspire and show the best way to live life.
I also personally fan of Morgan Freeman Quotes that why I decided to share with you. Morgan Freeman Quotes increase you boost your working power and their quotes help to remove stress. So that why I recommend to you to read Morgan Freeman Quotes and learn more about Life.
Morgan Freeman dedicated whole life to their work and make more better life for people. Still lot of people follow Cher quotes.
About Morgan Freeman Quotes “Morgan Freeman is an American actor, director, and narrator. Noted for his distinctive deep voice, Freeman is known for his various roles in a wide variety of film genres. Wikipedia
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Morgan Freeman Quotes
“I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I’ve always been a fan of or desired to or responded to variety. I like variety in life, so variety in work is a must.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Attacking People With Disabilities is the Lowest Display of Power I Can Think Of”
— Morgan Freeman
“I always knew that someone was going to come at me with a script to play God. It’s just one of those things, the way your career is unfolding and all the talk about gravitas etc etc, so I had a strong feeling that someone was going to offer me the part of God. I was totally prepared to say, ‘Thanks but no thanks,’ unless it was a comedy.”
— Morgan Freeman
Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman quote: How are we going to get rid of racism? Stop talking about it!
How are we going to get rid of racism? Stop talking about it!
Morgan Freeman
How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.
Morgan Freeman
You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’
Morgan Freeman
I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole.
Morgan Freeman
As long as you feel like a victim, you are one.
Morgan Freeman
Never let pride be your guiding principle. Let your accomplishments speak for you.
Morgan Freeman
Fatigue, discomfort, discouragement are merely symptoms of effort.
Morgan Freeman
If you want to see a miracle, be the miracle
Morgan Freeman
I once heard a wise man say there are no perfect men. Only perfect intentions.
Morgan Freeman
I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.
Morgan Freeman
If you’re not living on the edge then you’re taking up a little too much space.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman quote: Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.
Get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.
Morgan Freeman
I am going to stop calling you a white man and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.
Morgan Freeman
I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.
Morgan Freeman
Don’t be different just for different’s sake. If you see it differently, function that way. Follow your own muse, always.
Morgan Freeman
Don’t be afraid of what you want. This is your time. The barriers are down.
Morgan Freeman
The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from and my belief in God is my belief in myself.
Morgan Freeman
Donald Trump is the Honey Boo Boo of rich people.
Morgan Freeman
Did you just call me old? I really prefer the word ‘experienced’.
Morgan Freeman
We humans are more concerned with having than with being.
Morgan Freeman
Forgiveness liberates the soul, it removes fear.
Morgan Freeman
I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.
Attacking People With Disabilities is the Lowest Display of Power I Can Think Of
Morgan Freeman
“I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole,”
— Morgan Freeman
“Our situation, with global warming and air quality and all of that, has gotten to be catastrophic.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Nobody is trying to save energy. We’re trying to shift our use of fuel. Forget saving energy; if we get the right kind of energy, there are endless amounts.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Never give up the ganja.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I’m easy going for the most part but sometimes in the morning if I didn’t sleep well I can be kind of grumpy. But my grumpiness doesn’t have that much to do with my dissatisfaction with my station in life.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I try to keep my mind active. I’m a solitaire and puzzle addict. I exercise religiously. I don’t do many things religiously and I’ve taken up golf to have something to do when I have nothing to do.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Donald Trump is the Honey Boo Boo of rich people.”
— Morgan Freeman
“If you look back on your life and where you started from it’s like looking back down a mountain back to the desert floor. It’s like now I can’t believe I had whatever it takes or perceived whatever it took to get here.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”
— Morgan Freeman
“You want to retire from a job you’re not that all enamoured with. I love what I do. I want to keep doing it till I can’t get out of bed doing it.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I am God. So it’s easy to play him. They say God is in all things. So if God is in me, then I am in God. Therefore, I am God. God does not exist without me.”
— Morgan Freeman
“The main thing about awards in movies is that they can serve as an economic surge for the film. If you’re movie gets nominated for any award it does it a big favour. People might go and see it again… they won’t give up on it.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Challenge yourself; it’s the only path which leads to growth.”
— Morgan Freeman
“That is a big turn-on for me, a director who knows what he’s doing and what he wants, and knows when he’s gotten what he wants.”
— Morgan Freeman
“It’s just the stupidest law possible… You’re just making criminals out of people who aren’t engaged in criminal activity. And we’re spending zillions of dollars trying to fight a war we can’t win! We could make zillions, just legalize it and tax it like we do liquor. It’s stupid.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Stage is really hard work. You’ve got to do it every night. Not like doing it once and walking away.”
— Morgan Freeman
“I gravitate towards gravitas.”
— Morgan Freeman
“Life doesn’t offer you promises whatsoever so it’s very easy to become, ‘Whatever happened to… ?’ It’s great to be wanted. I spent a few years not being wanted and this is better.”
— Morgan Freeman
“The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.”
— Morgan Freeman
“But I can say that life is good to me. Has been and is good. So I think my task is to be good to it. So how do you be good to life? You live it.”
— Morgan Freeman
Thanks for read Top 40 Morgan Freeman Quotes
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