Surah Al Layl in English Translation with Explain
Surah Al-Layl (The Night) is the 92nd chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 21 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and is a brief but impactful Surah that contrasts the behavior of the righteous and the wicked, urging people to follow the path of good deeds and moral integrity. The Surah uses the metaphor of night and day to illustrate the differences in human actions and their consequences.
Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Layl, along with brief explanations for each verse:
I swear by the night when it covers,
Allah begins the Surah by swearing an oath by the night, which is a time when the world is covered in darkness. The night symbolizes concealment and the time for reflection, as well as the calm and quiet period that contrasts with the activity of the day.
And [by] the day when it appears in brightness,
In contrast to the night, Allah swears by the day, which brings light and visibility. The day represents clarity, activity, and the manifestation of actions, both good and bad.
And [by] He who created male and female,
This verse swears by Allah, the Creator of both male and female, who created the two genders in harmony, each having distinct roles and responsibilities. It underscores the balance in creation.
Indeed, your efforts are diverse.
Allah reminds us that human efforts are diverse. People choose different paths in life, some righteous and some wicked, and these efforts reflect their choices and character.
As for he who gives and fears Allah,
The Surah begins to describe the characteristics of a righteous person. One who gives charity and fears Allah, showing devotion and humility, is on the right path. Giving refers not only to material wealth but also to good deeds and kindness.
And believes in the best [reward],
The righteous person believes in the reward of the Hereafter, the ultimate success that comes from Allah’s mercy. This belief motivates them to act in ways that align with Allah's commands.
We will ease him toward ease.
Allah promises that those who are generous, fear Him, and believe in the Hereafter will find their lives made easy, both in this world and the next. Their good deeds will lead to comfort and reward from Allah.
But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need,
In contrast to the righteous, this verse describes those who are selfish, hoarding their wealth and actions, considering themselves self-sufficient and not in need of Allah’s help or guidance.
And denies the best [reward],
This person denies the ultimate reward of the Hereafter, showing disbelief and neglect of the teachings of Islam, focusing only on worldly gain.
We will ease him toward difficulty.
For those who withhold their wealth, deny the reward of the Hereafter, and act selfishly, Allah will make things difficult for them, both in their lives and in the Hereafter. Their choices will lead to hardship and punishment.
And what will his wealth avail him when he falls?
This verse highlights that when this person falls into difficulty, their wealth and material possessions will be of no help. The wealth they accumulated cannot save them from the consequences of their actions.
Indeed, upon Us is its guidance,
This verse emphasizes that guidance belongs to Allah alone. It is Allah who provides the guidance to the righteous path, and He is the one who helps people in their journey toward truth.
And indeed, to Us belongs the Hereafter and the first life.
Allah reminds humanity that He is the Master of both this world (the first life) and the Hereafter. Both are in His control, and He is the one who determines the outcomes for everyone based on their actions.
So I have warned you of a Fire which is blazing.
Allah warns of the blazing Fire (Hell), which awaits those who reject the truth and act in wickedness. This serves as a warning for people to correct their ways before it is too late.
None will [enter to] burn therein except the most wretched,
The Fire is reserved for those who are most wicked and rebellious, who choose a life of corruption and disbelief, and who reject the guidance of Allah.
Who had denied and turned away.
These are the people who denied Allah’s signs and turned away from the truth, choosing to ignore the message of righteousness and virtue.
And will avoid it the most fortunate,
In contrast to the wicked, the righteous will be saved from the punishment of the Fire. Those who are fortunate are the ones who follow Allah's guidance and live righteous lives.
Who gives his wealth, purifying himself,
The most fortunate people are those who give charity, purify themselves from sin, and seek Allah’s pleasure. Their wealth is not hoarded but used to benefit others, and their actions reflect their sincerity.
And not giving for the sake of reward or gratitude,
Their giving is not for the sake of worldly recognition or reward but purely for the sake of Allah. They do not seek praise from others but are motivated by sincere devotion to Allah.
But only seeking the face of his Lord, the Most High.
The most fortunate people give for the sole purpose of pleasing Allah and seeking His approval. Their actions are driven by a desire to earn Allah's favor and rewards, not by any worldly incentive.
And he is going to be satisfied.
The righteous will be fully satisfied and content with the rewards they receive from Allah. Their hearts will find peace, and they will attain eternal happiness in the Hereafter.
Summary of Surah Al-Layl:
Surah Al-Layl contrasts the outcomes of the righteous and the wicked. Allah swears by the night and day to illustrate the differences in human actions and their consequences. The Surah emphasizes that those who give in charity, believe in Allah, and strive for goodness will be rewarded and find ease in this life and the next. On the other hand, those who are selfish, reject the truth, and deny the Hereafter will face difficulty and punishment. The Surah highlights the importance of sincerity in worship and good deeds, focusing on seeking Allah's pleasure rather than worldly rewards. It serves as a reminder that both this world and the Hereafter are in Allah’s control and that the choices we make in life have lasting consequences.
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