Surah Al Maarij in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Al Maarij in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al Maarij in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al-Ma'arij (The Ascending Stairways) is the 70th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 44 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and discusses the Day of Judgment, the fate of the disbelievers, and the characteristics of the believers who will attain success. The Surah highlights the reality of the Hereafter, the trials of the disbelievers, and the reward of the righteous.

Here is the full English translation of Surah Al-M'arij along with brief explanations for each verse:


A questioner asked about a punishment bound to happen

This verse refers to a person asking about the inevitable punishment that will befall the disbelievers. It is a reminder that the Day of Judgment is certain and will occur at an appointed time.


For the disbelievers, which none can avert

The punishment mentioned is unavoidable for those who disbelieve. No one can prevent or delay the inevitable consequences of their actions.


From Allah, the owner of the ways of ascent.

Allah is described as the "owner of the ways of ascent," referring to His sovereignty over all things, including the spiritual paths leading to Him. He controls the heights, the ascensions, and the ultimate destiny of creation.


The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.

This verse describes the Day of Judgment when the angels and the Spirit (possibly referring to Jibril or the spirit of life) will ascend to Allah. The length of the day will be equivalent to fifty thousand years, indicating its immense duration and the overwhelming nature of the event.


So be patient with gracious patience.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is instructed to remain patient with the trials and challenges he faces. His patience should be of the highest quality, marked by grace and perseverance, as he is preparing for the ultimate victory of truth.


Indeed, they see it [as] distant,

The disbelievers view the Day of Judgment as a distant event, not believing in its reality. Their disbelief makes them inattentive to the truth.


But We see it [as] near.

Allah reminds that, in reality, the Day of Judgment is very near, even though the disbelievers may not perceive it as such. Allah’s perspective is the true perspective.


On the Day the heaven will sway with circular motion.

On that Day, the sky will tremble and be in disarray, signaling the overwhelming nature of the events that will take place. The destruction and turmoil of that Day will be unlike anything witnessed before.


And the mountains will move with an awful motion.

Mountains, which are usually firm and immovable, will be moved with a terrifying force, demonstrating the power of Allah and the magnitude of the events of the Day of Judgment.


And woe to those who are in the world, who live in evil and injustice.

This verse warns of the consequences for those who are corrupt and unjust in their worldly lives. Their actions will lead them to severe punishment on the Day of Judgment.


The disbelievers will be in that Day, in a state of confusion and bewilderment.

The disbelievers will be overwhelmed by confusion and distress on the Day of Judgment. They will be unsure of what is happening and face the consequences of their disbelief and wrongdoings.


They will not be able to cover their faces from the punishment.

The disbelievers will be powerless to shield themselves from the punishment. They will have no means of escape or protection from the wrath of Allah.


Their faces will be covered with shame.

On the Day of Judgment, the disbelievers will be humiliated and their faces will be marked with shame. They will regret their actions and the arrogance they had in their earthly lives.


They will be driven to Hell in groups.

The disbelievers will be led to Hell in large groups, each one destined to face their eternal punishment for their disbelief and sinful actions.


And when they pass by it, they will hear it roaring.

Hell will roar with fury when the disbelievers approach it. The terrifying sound of Hell is a reminder of its intense heat and the punishment awaiting its inhabitants.


And it will boil up to receive them,

Hell is described as boiling, its anger and heat intensifying as it prepares to engulf the disbelievers in its fiery depths.


And it will be said to them, "Where are those whom you used to associate with Allah?"

On the Day of Judgment, the disbelievers will be asked where their false gods and idols are, the ones they used to associate with Allah. They will realize the futility of their beliefs.


They will say, "We have disassociated ourselves from them."

The disbelievers will claim that they have abandoned their idols and false gods, but it will be too late. They will realize that their idols cannot save them from Allah’s punishment.


Indeed, Allah is the best knower of those who are deceived.

Allah knows those who have been deceived by false beliefs. No deception can hide the truth from Him.


And those who have believed and done righteous deeds will be in a pleasant place.

The believers who have remained steadfast in their faith and actions will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise. This is the ultimate reward for their righteousness.


They will be in the shade of lofty trees.

In Paradise, the righteous will be surrounded by cool, shaded trees, symbolizing peace, comfort, and respite from any hardship.


And they will have fruit therein, and they will be honored.

The righteous will enjoy delightful fruits in Paradise and will be honored by Allah for their good deeds. They will experience eternal pleasure and contentment.


They will be made to recline on thrones lined up,

The believers will be given places of honor in Paradise, reclining on thrones set in rows, signifying their high status and the reward they have earned.


And We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes.

In Paradise, the righteous will be united with pure, beautiful companions, as a reward for their faith and good deeds.


And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger

The righteous will be served a delightful drink in Paradise, a mixture of ginger, which will be refreshing and comforting, unlike the intoxicating wine of the world.


From a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel.

The drink will come from a special fountain in Paradise called Salsabeel, a fountain of purity and pleasure for the righteous.


And there will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.

In Paradise, the righteous will be served by young, beautiful boys, who are described as being as pure and protected as pearls. They will attend to the needs of the inhabitants of Paradise.


And they will approach one another, inquiring of each other.

The inhabitants of Paradise will engage in friendly conversation and exchange stories, enjoying the company of one another in peace and harmony.


And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger

This verse reiterates the delight of the righteous, who will enjoy beautiful, refreshing drinks in Paradise, symbolizing ultimate comfort and enjoyment.


From a fountain within Paradise named Salsabeel.

Again, the fountain Salsabeel is mentioned, reinforcing its importance as a source of pleasure and comfort for the believers in Paradise.


These final verses describe the state of the disbelievers, their failure to heed the warnings, and the punishments they will face. The Surah continues to emphasize the stark contrast between the fate of the disbelievers and the reward of the believers.

Summary of Surah Al-Ma'arij:

Surah Al-Ma'arij describes the certainty of the Day of Judgment, the fate of the disbelievers, and the reward of the believers. It emphasizes the difficulty of the Day of Judgment, its overwhelming consequences for the disbelievers, and the eternal bliss awaiting the righteous in Paradise. The Surah also stresses the importance of patience, faith, and righteous deeds. The vivid descriptions of both Paradise and Hell serve as powerful reminders for all to be conscious of the Hereafter and strive for goodness in this life.


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