Surah Al Waqiah in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Al Waqiah in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al Waqiah in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al-Waqi'ah (The Inevitable) is the 56th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 96 verses (Ayahs). It is a Makki Surah, revealed in Makkah, and its central theme revolves around the events of the Day of Judgment, which is described as an inevitable occurrence. The Surah categorizes people into three distinct groups based on their deeds: the fortunate, the wretched, and the foremost (those who excel in good deeds). The Surah encourages reflection on Allah's power, the afterlife, and the consequences of human actions.

English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi'ah

بِسْÙ…ِ اللَّÙ‡ِ الرَّØ­ْÙ…َÙ†ِ الرَّØ­ِيمِ

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

1. When the Event (the Day of Judgment) befalls,
2. There is no denying its befalling.
3. It will bring down some and raise up others.
4. When the earth is shaken with a severe shaking,
5. And the mountains are crushed and made to crumble,
6. And they become dust, scattering in all directions,
7. And you become three kinds:

  • 8. The Companions of the Right Hand—what are the Companions of the Right Hand?
  • 9. And the Companions of the Left Hand—what are the Companions of the Left Hand?
  • 10. And the Foremost (in faith) will be the Foremost (in Paradise).

11. Those will be the ones brought near [to Allah],
12. In the Gardens of Bliss.
13. A large number of the former peoples
14. And a small number of the later peoples.
15. They will be reclining on thrones woven with gold and precious stones.
16. They will be served by boys, especially for them,
17. With vessels, pitchers, and a cup from a flowing spring.
18. No headache will they have therefrom, nor will they be intoxicated.
19. And there will circulate among them [servant] boys especially for them, with vessels of silver and cups of crystal,
20. Crystal clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure of it according to their wishes.
21. And there will circulate among them young boys of their own, for them, as beautiful as pearls well-guarded.
22. And they will approach each other, inquiring of one another.
23. And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring, named Salsabeel.
24. And there will circulate among them young boys, especially for them, as beautiful as pearls well-guarded.
25. And some of them will be near others, reclining on couches.

(Explanation of Verses 1-25)
These initial verses describe the catastrophic events that will occur on the Day of Judgment, when the earth is violently shaken, and the mountains crumble into dust. People will be divided into three groups:

  1. The Companions of the Right Hand (those who will be rewarded in Paradise),
  2. The Companions of the Left Hand (those who will be punished in Hell),
  3. The Foremost (those who excel in worship and good deeds, and will be closest to Allah in Paradise).

The Foremost are described as being honored in the Gardens of Bliss, where they will enjoy eternal comfort, luxury, and happiness. They will be served by boys and drink from crystal-clear vessels filled with a non-intoxicating beverage. They will live in peace, free from the troubles of the world.

26. And if you ask them, "Who created you?" they will surely say, "Allah." How then are they deluded?
27. Allah is the Creator of all things, and He has power over everything.

(Explanation of Verses 26-27)
These verses remind humanity of the fact that Allah is the Creator of everything in existence, and He alone is the one who controls all affairs. Despite this clear truth, many people are deluded by their arrogance and fail to acknowledge Allah’s power and greatness.

28. The Companions of the Right Hand—what are the Companions of the Right Hand?
29. They will be among thornless lote trees,
30. And banana trees, layered with fruit,
31. And extended shade,
32. And water flowing continuously,
33. And fruit in abundance,
34. Neither out of reach nor prohibited.
35. And upon beds raised high.

(Explanation of Verses 28-35)
These verses describe the rewards and pleasures of the Companions of the Right Hand in Paradise. They will enjoy the beauty of lush gardens, abundant fruits, flowing rivers, and eternal comfort. Their reward will be complete and free from any limitations or prohibition. They will live in peace and satisfaction, enjoying their surroundings in perfect tranquility.

36. Indeed, We have created the companions of the left hand for Hellfire.
37. They will be among burning winds and scalding water,
38. And a shade of black smoke,
39. Neither cool nor beneficial.
40. Indeed, they were before that indulgent in worldly pleasures,
41. And they used to persist in the gravest of sins.
42. And they used to say, "When we die and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected?"

(Explanation of Verses 36-42)
In contrast to the Companions of the Right Hand, the Companions of the Left Hand are those who will be punished in Hell. They will experience intense suffering, described as burning winds, scalding water, and harmful smoke. These individuals lived their lives in indulgence, sin, and denial of the afterlife, questioning the possibility of resurrection after death.

43. Say, "The death from which you flee—indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do."

(Explanation of Verse 43)
This verse serves as a reminder that death is inevitable, and no one can escape it. After death, people will be resurrected and held accountable for their actions. Allah alone knows everything—both the unseen and what is visible—and He will reward or punish people based on their deeds.

Final Verses (47-96)
The remaining verses of the Surah continue to describe the ultimate fate of the people, elaborating on the punishment for the disbelievers and the rewards for the righteous. These verses also remind the disbelievers of the truth of the Qur'an, urging them to reflect on the signs of Allah in creation, and to recognize that the events of the Day of Judgment are certain and inevitable.

Themes and Lessons of Surah Al-Waqi'ah:

  1. The Inevitability of the Day of Judgment:
    The Surah opens with a reminder that the Day of Judgment is certain and inevitable. No one can escape it, and everyone will be held accountable for their deeds.

  2. The Three Categories of People:
    People will be divided into three groups on the Day of Judgment:

    • The Companions of the Right Hand: Those who will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise.
    • The Companions of the Left Hand: Those who will be punished in Hell for their disbelief and sinful actions.
    • The Foremost: Those who excel in faith and good deeds and will be closest to Allah in Paradise.
  3. The Rewards for the Righteous:
    The righteous will be rewarded with gardens of bliss, surrounded by comforts, delicious food, and eternal peace. Their reward will be a reflection of their sincere faith and good deeds.

  4. The Punishment for the Wicked:
    The disbelievers and wrongdoers will face intense punishment in Hell. Their lives of indulgence and denial of the afterlife will lead them to eternal suffering.

  5. Gratitude and Reflection:
    The Surah calls people to reflect on their actions and the consequences of their choices, urging them to acknowledge the truth of the Qur'an and prepare for the Day of Judgment.

In summary, Surah Al-Waqi'ah emphasizes the certainty of the Day of Judgment, the division of people based on their deeds, and the consequences they will face. It is a reminder of the rewards for the righteous and the punishment for the wicked, encouraging reflection, gratitude, and preparation for the Hereafter.


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