Surah Muhammad in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Muhammad in English Translation with Explain

Surah Muhammad in English Translation with Explain

Surah Muhammad (Arabic: محمد) is the 47th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 38 verses. It is a Madinan surah, revealed after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Medina. The surah is named after the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), emphasizing his role as the final messenger of Allah and the challenges faced by his followers. The surah discusses the themes of belief, the consequences of disbelief, the importance of following Allah's guidance, and the qualities of true believers.

General Themes of Surah Muhammad:

  1. Belief vs. Disbelief: The surah contrasts the outcomes of believers and disbelievers, showing that those who accept the truth will be rewarded, while those who reject it will face consequences.
  2. Obedience to the Prophet: The surah stresses the importance of following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger.
  3. Reward for Believers: The surah highlights the blessings and rewards for those who believe in Allah and His messenger, contrasting them with the punishment that awaits the disbelievers.
  4. Jihad (Struggle) in the Way of Allah: The surah encourages the believers to strive in the way of Allah and fight against the forces of disbelief to establish justice and the rule of faith.
  5. The End of Disbelievers: It warns the disbelievers about the consequences they will face on the Day of Judgment.

English Translation and Explanation of Key Verses:

1. Verse 1:

"Those who disbelieve and avert [people] from the way of Allah - He will waste their deeds." This verse addresses the disbelievers who not only reject faith but also try to prevent others from following the path of Allah. Their efforts to obstruct the truth will be futile, as Allah will nullify all their deeds. This serves as a warning for anyone who rejects faith and tries to stop others from believing.

2. Verse 2:

"And those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in what has been sent down upon Muhammad – and it is the truth from their Lord – He will remove from them their misdeeds and amend their condition." This verse describes the believers who accept the message brought by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They are rewarded by Allah with the removal of their sins and the improvement of their situation. This verse encourages faith in the truth and assures that belief will lead to purification and positive change.

3. Verse 3-4:

"That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus, Allah presents to the people their examples." The surah contrasts the followers of truth (believers) and falsehood (disbelievers). The disbelievers cling to erroneous beliefs and practices, while the believers follow the true message of Allah. Allah uses these examples to guide people toward the right path.

4. Verse 5:

"And He will admit them to Paradise, which He has made known to them." The reward for the believers is described here: they will be granted entry into Paradise, a place of eternal bliss and peace. This is the ultimate reward for those who sincerely believe in Allah and His messenger and act in accordance with His guidance.

5. Verse 6:

"And those who disbelieve and deny Our signs – those are the companions of the Fire." This verse warns that those who reject the truth and deny the signs of Allah will be cast into Hell. This is a stark reminder of the consequences of disbelief.

6. Verse 7-8:

"So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior. And Allah is with you and will never deprive you of your deeds." The verse urges the believers to remain strong in their faith and not to seek peace when they have the upper hand. It emphasizes that Allah is always with the believers, ensuring that their good deeds will be rewarded. This can be understood as a reminder for the believers to maintain their resolve in the face of adversity and not to compromise on their commitment to Allah’s cause.

7. Verse 9:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve and avert [people] from the way of Allah and oppose the Messenger after guidance has become clear to them, they will never harm Allah at all, and He will make their deeds worthless." The disbelievers who try to mislead others and oppose the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after the truth has been made clear will not harm Allah in any way. Allah, in His might, will nullify their deeds, showing that no one can defeat or harm Allah's will.

8. Verse 10:

"Do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? Had it been from other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction." This verse invites people to reflect on the Qur'an. If it were not from Allah, it would contain contradictions and inconsistencies. The Qur'an, however, is free of any discrepancies, demonstrating its divine origin.

9. Verse 11:

"And when they are reminded of Allah's signs, they fall upon their faces in prostration and weep." The true believers, when they hear the signs of Allah, respond with humility, prostration, and tears. This verse emphasizes the emotional and spiritual response of the believers to the truth of Allah's revelation.

10. Verse 12:

"Say, 'Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whatever [name] you call – to Him belong the best names.'" This verse teaches the believers that Allah has the most beautiful and perfect names. Whether calling upon Allah by His name “Allah” or by any of His other beautiful names like “The Most Merciful,” all names refer to the one and only true God, deserving of all worship and praise.

11. Verse 13:

"And those who say, 'Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.'" The verse describes the prayer of the believers, asking Allah to keep them steadfast in their faith and protect them from deviation. This is a reminder to remain humble and seek Allah’s mercy in every aspect of life, as only He can guide and protect the heart.

12. Verse 14-15:

"Indeed, those who disbelieve and do wrong will not be able to harm Allah in any way; and they will face the punishment of the Fire. They will never escape from it." This verse warns the disbelievers that they will not harm Allah with their rejection, but they will face severe consequences in the Hereafter. They will be cast into the Fire, where they will never escape from the punishment.

13. Verse 16:

"The example of the Paradise which the righteous are promised is that in it are rivers of water, rivers of milk whose taste has not changed, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey, pure and clear." The rewards of Paradise are vividly described in this verse: it is a place of eternal bliss with rivers of various delights, each of them perfect and free from impurities. These are rewards promised to the believers who are righteous.

14. Verse 17:

"And they will have therein all that they desire, and a world without end." The believers in Paradise will have everything they desire, with no end to the joys and pleasures they will experience. This highlights the eternal nature of the reward for those who believe.

15. Verse 18:

"And those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in what has been sent down upon Muhammad – and it is the truth from their Lord – He will remove from them their misdeeds and amend their condition." This verse highlights that those who believe in the truth revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and act righteously will have their sins forgiven and their conditions improved. This is a reassurance to believers that their faith and good deeds will be rewarded by Allah.

Key Lessons from Surah Muhammad:

  1. Reward for Belief and Good Deeds: The surah emphasizes that belief in Allah and His messenger, along with righteous deeds, will lead to eternal rewards in Paradise. The disbelievers, on the other hand, will face the consequences of their rejection.

  2. Obedience to the Prophet: The surah stresses the importance of following the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the final messenger. His message is the truth, and obeying him is essential for salvation.

  3. Reflection on the Qur'an: The surah encourages reflection on the Qur'an, asserting that if it were not from Allah, it would contain contradictions. The consistency and perfection of the Qur'an prove its divine origin.

  4. Striving in the Way of Allah: The surah calls the believers to remain firm in their faith, despite challenges, and to fight in the way of Allah to uphold justice and righteousness.

  5. Humility and Gratitude: True believers are humble before Allah, and they are deeply moved by the signs of Allah. They constantly seek His mercy and guidance, recognizing that only through His grace can they remain on the right path.


Surah Muhammad emphasizes the importance of belief in the oneness of Allah and following the guidance brought by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It contrasts the fate of the believers, who will be rewarded with Paradise, and the disbelievers, who will face punishment. The surah calls on the believers to remain steadfast in their faith, reflect on the Qur'an, and strive in the way of Allah. It serves as both a warning and a promise of the ultimate reward for those who sincerely believe and act righteously.


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