Surah Al Balad in English Translation with Explain
Surah Al-Balad (The City) is the 90th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 20 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and addresses the struggles of human beings, calling attention to the challenges of life and the importance of moral and spiritual guidance. The Surah emphasizes the value of good deeds, charity, and seeking Allah's guidance in overcoming the difficulties of life.
Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Balad, along with brief explanations for each verse:
I swear by this city,
Allah swears by the city, which is traditionally understood to refer to Makkah, the city where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived. Makkah is a blessed and sacred place, as it is the site of the Ka'bah, the house of worship built by the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).
And you are a free man of this city—
This verse acknowledges that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is living in Makkah, a city that is sacred and significant in Islam. It highlights the position of the Prophet in the city and emphasizes his central role in the message of Islam.
And [by] the father and what he begot,
This verse swears by the figure of the father and his offspring, which can be interpreted as a reference to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), the father of the faith, and his descendants, particularly the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who carries on the mission of monotheism.
We have certainly created man in the best of stature;
Allah reminds humanity that He created humans in the most excellent form, physically and spiritually. The human being is equipped with reason, free will, and the capacity for faith and good deeds, making them the best of creation.
Then We return him to the lowest of the low,
Despite being created in the best form, humans are capable of falling to the lowest state through their actions. This refers to the moral and spiritual decline that can occur when people choose evil over good, leading to their degradation.
Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds, and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
This verse makes an important distinction: those who remain in the "best of stature" are the ones who believe in Allah, perform good deeds, encourage truth, and urge patience. These are the qualities that elevate human beings and protect them from spiritual decline.
What is [the matter] with those who disbelieve, hastening to and fro in the city?
Allah questions the behavior of those who disbelieve. They are busy with their pursuits in the city, but they are not concerned with the truth or the path that leads to eternal success. Their lives are filled with distractions, ignoring the ultimate purpose of existence.
Do they think that they will be left to go on in their way without being questioned?
Allah challenges the disbelievers, asking if they believe they will go on without accountability. This verse emphasizes the reality of the Day of Judgment, where everyone will be held accountable for their actions.
Have We not made for him two eyes?
This verse reminds human beings of the faculties and abilities Allah has granted them, such as their eyes, which allow them to see and reflect on the world. These gifts should lead people to recognize Allah’s greatness and purpose in life.
And a tongue and two lips?
Allah further reminds people of the faculties He has given them, such as the tongue and lips, which allow them to speak, communicate, and express themselves. These are tools to use for good, including spreading truth and promoting righteousness.
And We have shown him the two ways?
Allah has provided guidance, showing humans two paths: the path of righteousness leading to Paradise, and the path of evil leading to Hell. It is up to each individual to choose which path to follow.
But he has not attempted the Ascent.
The "Ascent" refers to the difficult path that leads to spiritual elevation. It includes striving for goodness, charity, and following the righteous path. The verse implies that the person has failed to choose the path that requires effort and perseverance for goodness.
And what can make you know what is the Ascent?
This rhetorical question emphasizes that the true nature of the Ascent (the difficult but rewarding path) is not easily understood by those who do not strive for it. It highlights the challenge of doing good and following the straight path.
It is the freeing of a slave,
The Surah explains that one part of the Ascent is helping those in need, including freeing slaves. Acts of charity and compassion are a key component of the difficult but rewarding path of righteousness.
Or feeding on a day of hunger
Another act that leads to the Ascent is feeding those who are hungry. Helping others in times of need is an essential part of righteous living and a way to attain spiritual elevation.
An orphan of near relationship
The Surah specifies that feeding or helping an orphan who is close to you, such as a family member, is part of the righteous path. It emphasizes the importance of caring for those who are vulnerable.
Or a needy person in misery.
The righteous path includes helping those who are in deep distress, those who are struggling due to poverty, illness, or hardship. Helping those in misery is an important characteristic of a compassionate and pious person.
Then he became of those who believed and advised one another to patience and advised one another to mercy.
The person who chooses the path of righteousness will not only believe and do good deeds but will also encourage others to be patient and merciful. This is a holistic approach to righteousness that includes not only personal actions but also helping others in their struggles.
Those are the companions of the right,
Those who follow this righteous path, who believe, do good deeds, and encourage others in patience and mercy, will be among the "companions of the right." This refers to the people who will be rewarded with Paradise in the Hereafter.
But those who disbelieve in Our signs—those are the companions of the left.
In contrast to the righteous, those who reject Allah’s signs and follow a path of disbelief and corruption will be among the "companions of the left." These are the people who will face punishment in the Hereafter.
Summary of Surah Al-Balad:
Surah Al-Balad addresses the challenges that human beings face in life, emphasizing the importance of belief, good deeds, and compassion toward others. It calls for people to choose the difficult yet rewarding path of righteousness, which includes acts of charity, helping the needy, and encouraging patience and mercy. The Surah contrasts the fate of the righteous, who will be rewarded in the Hereafter, with the fate of the disbelievers, who will face punishment. It serves as a reminder of the choices individuals must make in life and the accountability they will face on the Day of Judgment.
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