Surah Al Humazah in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Al Humazah in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al Humazah in English

Surah Al-Humazah (The Slanderer) is the 104th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 9 verses. It is a Makki Surah that warns against the destructive consequences of backbiting, slander, and arrogance. The Surah vividly describes the punishment awaiting those who engage in malicious behavior and emphasizes the importance of humility and righteousness.

Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Humazah, along with brief explanations for each verse:


Woe to every scorner and mocker

This verse begins by condemning those who mock and ridicule others, particularly through slander and negative speech. "Scorners" and "mockers" are those who belittle others, either through direct insults or behind their backs, seeking to cause harm to others' reputations or dignity.


Who collect wealth and continuously count it.

The Surah describes individuals who obsessively gather wealth and constantly count it, highlighting their greed and materialistic nature. These people are so fixated on their wealth that they neglect spiritual values and the needs of others. Their love for wealth becomes a source of arrogance, leading them to mistreat others.


They think that their wealth will make them immortal.

These individuals deceive themselves into thinking that their wealth will protect them from death and the consequences of their actions. They believe that accumulating material wealth can grant them eternal security and status, but this is an illusion, as death comes to all, regardless of wealth.


No! But they will be thrown into the Crusher.

This verse refers to the punishment that awaits those who engage in arrogance, backbiting, and the excessive love of wealth. "The Crusher" (Al-Hutamah) is a reference to Hell, a place of intense suffering and punishment. The verse emphasizes that wealth and arrogance cannot save them from the divine punishment.


And what can make you know what is the Crusher?

This rhetorical question emphasizes the severity and unimaginable nature of the punishment in Hell. It seeks to make the listener reflect on the terrifying reality of the afterlife, where those who indulge in arrogance, slander, and greed will be held accountable for their actions.


It is the Fire of Allah, [eternally] fueled,

The verse clarifies that "the Crusher" refers to the intense and eternally burning fire of Hell, which is ignited and maintained by Allah's will. This fire is a symbol of the unimaginable suffering and torment that awaits those who reject righteousness and engage in harmful behaviors.


Which mounts directed at the hearts.

The fire of Hell will be directed at the hearts of those who are guilty of arrogance, slander, and greed. This indicates that the punishment will not only be physical but will also target the inner core of a person—their pride, arrogance, and malice. It symbolizes a punishment that affects the very essence of the individual.


Indeed, it [the Fire] will be closed down upon them,

The punishment in Hell is not something that can be escaped from. The verse indicates that the Fire will surround them completely, trapping them in their torment. There will be no way out, and they will be confined to their punishment eternally.


In extended columns.

The punishment in Hell will be unrelenting, and those who face it will be held in extended rows or columns, meaning their suffering will be continuous and unbroken. There will be no respite, and the severity of the punishment will last for eternity.

Summary of Surah Al-Humazah:

Surah Al-Humazah warns against the dangers of arrogance, backbiting, slander, and excessive attachment to wealth. It describes how people who engage in these behaviors often think that their wealth and status will protect them, but they will face severe punishment in the Hereafter. The Surah uses vivid imagery of the "Crusher" (Hell) to emphasize the intensity and eternity of the suffering that awaits those who harm others through their words and actions.

The message of the Surah is a powerful reminder to avoid arrogance, malicious speech, and the pursuit of material gain at the expense of others. It calls for humility, sincerity, and righteous conduct, reminding us that our wealth and status will not protect us from the consequences of our actions in the Hereafter.


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