Surah Al Ikhlas in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Al Ikhlas in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al Ikhlas in English

Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Purity) is the 112th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 4 verses. It is a Makki Surah and is considered one of the most important chapters in the Qur'an because it defines the oneness and purity of Allah. It emphasizes the absolute monotheism of Islam and rejects any form of polytheism or association of partners with Allah.

Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Ikhlas, along with brief explanations for each verse:


Say, "He is Allah, [Who is] One,

This verse begins with a declaration of the absolute oneness of Allah. It is a direct command to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to declare to the people that Allah is One, indivisible, and without any partners. This verse emphasizes the core belief in Islam: that there is no god but Allah, and He alone is worthy of worship.


Allah, the Eternal Refuge.

Allah is described as Al-Samad here, which means the Eternal Refuge or the Absolute, the One upon whom all creation depends. Allah is self-sufficient, and everything in the universe relies on Him. Unlike created beings, Allah does not require anyone or anything for sustenance or support, and He is free from any needs or limitations.


He neither begets nor is born,

This verse refutes the false concepts of God having offspring or being born Himself. In many polytheistic beliefs, gods are considered to have children or to be born. This verse makes it clear that Allah is beyond such notions, and He does not have a partner or a progeny. He is eternal and unaffected by the passage of time.


Nor is there to Him any equivalent.

This verse concludes by declaring that there is nothing and no one comparable to Allah. He is unique and beyond any comparison or likeness. This reinforces the idea that Allah has no equal in His essence, attributes, or actions. He is unlike anything in creation.

Summary of Surah Al-Ikhlas:

Surah Al-Ikhlas is a short yet profound Surah that encapsulates the Islamic concept of God's absolute oneness and purity. It rejects any form of polytheism or anthropomorphism, emphasizing that Allah is unique, eternal, self-sufficient, and incomparable. The Surah serves as a declaration of the central belief in Islam that Allah alone is worthy of worship and that there is no god but Him.

It is often recited in daily prayers by Muslims and is considered to hold great spiritual significance. Surah Al-Ikhlas highlights the importance of understanding and affirming the oneness of Allah as the foundation of Islamic faith.


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