Surah Al Infitar in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Al Infitar in English Translation with Explain

Surah Al Infitar in English

Surah Al-Infitar (The Cleaving) is the 82nd chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 19 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and discusses the cosmic events that will occur on the Day of Judgment. The Surah emphasizes the separation of the world as we know it and the ultimate accountability that every individual will face. It also highlights the ultimate fate of the righteous and the disbelievers.

Here is the English translation of Surah Al-Infitar, along with brief explanations for each verse:


When the sky breaks apart.

This verse describes the great upheaval in the cosmos that will occur on the Day of Judgment. The sky, which seems stable and vast, will be torn apart, signaling the end of the world.


And when the stars fall, scattering.

The stars, which are usually seen as fixed points in the sky, will fall and scatter, symbolizing the complete disruption of the natural order.


And when the oceans are set ablaze.

The oceans, which are sources of life, will be set ablaze, further symbolizing the drastic and fiery changes that will take place on the Day of Judgment.


And when the graves are overturned.

The graves, where the dead are buried, will be turned over. This refers to the resurrection, where the dead will rise from their graves to face judgment.


A soul will then know what it has sent forth and what it has left behind.

On the Day of Judgment, every soul will realize the deeds it has done (what it has sent forth) and what it failed to do (what it has left behind). Everyone will be fully aware of their actions and their consequences.


O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous?

This verse addresses humanity, asking what caused them to be deceived and distracted from recognizing their Lord, who is generous in His mercy, guidance, and provision. It implies that people are often heedless of their duties to Allah.


Who created you, then formed you, then proportioned you?

Allah reminds humans of their creation. He is the one who created them, shaped them, and gave them their distinct forms and characteristics, urging them to reflect on their origin and their dependence on Him.


In whatever form He willed, He assembled you.

Allah emphasizes His power and authority in shaping humans in the form He chose, showing that everything, including human beings, is under His control.


No! But you deny the Recompense.

Despite all of Allah’s signs and blessings, many people deny the truth of the Hereafter and the recompense that awaits them based on their deeds.


But indeed, over you are guardians.

Allah informs humanity that there are angels, who are guardians and recorders of deeds, watching over them. These angels are tasked with ensuring that everything is recorded for the Day of Judgment.


Noble and recording.

The angels are described as noble, showing their high rank, and they record everything, ensuring that no deed, whether good or bad, is overlooked.


They know whatever you do.

These angels are fully aware of everything that a person does, and they record each action accurately, without error.


Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure.

The righteous, those who lived their lives in accordance with Allah’s commands, will be rewarded in Paradise, enjoying eternal pleasure and bliss.


And indeed, the wicked will be in Hellfire.

The wicked, who rejected faith and lived in disobedience to Allah, will be cast into Hell, where they will experience eternal punishment.


They will be burned in the Hellfire.

The wicked will face intense and unending torment in Hell, where they will be burned by its fire as punishment for their disbelief and sinful actions.


And will not be able to escape from it.

There will be no escape for the disbelievers from the punishment of Hell. They will be trapped in it forever, without any relief.


And what will make you know what is the Day of Recompense?

This rhetorical question emphasizes the importance of the Day of Judgment and encourages reflection on its significance. It challenges people to think about the consequences of their actions.


Again, what will make you know what is the Day of Recompense?

The repetition of this question serves to highlight the certainty and gravity of the Day of Judgment, urging people to contemplate its reality.


The Day when a soul will not possess for another soul [even] a little.

On the Day of Judgment, no soul will be able to help or save another. Every individual will be solely responsible for their own deeds, and no one will be able to intercede for anyone else.

Summary of Surah Al-Infitar:

Surah Al-Infitar paints a vivid picture of the events that will unfold on the Day of Judgment, describing the cosmic upheavals and the complete transformation of the world. It emphasizes the certainty of the recompense that awaits everyone, whether they are among the righteous or the wicked. The Surah calls on humans to reflect on their creation and their responsibilities, urging them to be mindful of their deeds, as they will be held accountable for them. It also serves as a reminder that no one will be able to escape the consequences of their actions, and the ultimate fate of every individual will depend on their obedience to Allah.


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