Surah At Tariq in English Translation with Explain


 Surah At Tariq in English Translation with Explain

Surah At Tariq in English

Surah At-Tariq (The Morning Star) is the 86th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 17 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and serves as a reminder of the power and sovereignty of Allah, the certainty of the Day of Judgment, and the consequences of human actions. The Surah emphasizes the creation of human beings, the ultimate return to Allah, and the accountability each person will face.

Here is the English translation of Surah At-Tariq, along with brief explanations for each verse:


I swear by the sky and the night comer,

Allah swears by the sky, which is vast and majestic, and the "night comer," a reference to the star that appears during the night or possibly a meteor or shooting star. This is to draw attention to the beauty and awe of creation, which serves as a reminder of the Creator.


And what will tell you what the night comer is?

Allah asks a rhetorical question to highlight the mysterious nature of this celestial event. It draws attention to the wonders of the universe and leads to the revelation of the significance of what is being described.


It is the star of piercing brightness.

This verse describes the "night comer" as a star of great intensity and brightness. It signifies the powerful and radiant creation of Allah, which commands attention and serves as a sign of His greatness.


There is no soul but that it has over it a protector.

Every human being has a guardian or protector (an angel) who watches over them, recording their deeds. This serves as a reminder of the divine care and accountability that exists over every individual.


So let man observe from what he was created.

Allah urges mankind to reflect on their creation. People should consider their origins and the process of their creation to recognize the power and wisdom of Allah in bringing them into existence.


He was created from a fluid, ejected,

Human beings were created from a small, seemingly insignificant fluid (semen) that is ejected during conception. This verse emphasizes the humble beginnings of human beings, reminding them of the power of Allah in shaping their existence.


That penetrates the heart.

The "fluid" that is ejected during conception penetrates the womb and plays a critical role in the creation of the human body. It reflects the intricate and miraculous design of human creation, which is directed by Allah.


Indeed, Allah is, over them, a Witness.

Allah is fully aware and witnesses every stage of human creation, from the initial fluid to the development of the human being. There is no moment that escapes His knowledge and observation.


And the Day when the secrets will be disclosed,

On the Day of Judgment, all secrets and hidden things will be revealed. The true nature of every person's deeds, intentions, and actions will be brought to light. This verse emphasizes the certainty of accountability on that day.


So man will have no power, nor any helper.

On the Day of Judgment, no one will be able to assist themselves or others. Every individual will be held accountable for their actions, and no one will be able to rely on anyone except Allah.


I swear by the sky that brings the rain,

Allah swears by the sky, which brings rain, a vital resource for life. This is another powerful sign of His existence and control over nature, demonstrating His ability to provide and sustain life.


And the earth that splits open,

Allah swears by the earth, which splits open to allow vegetation to grow and for crops to emerge. This natural process symbolizes the power of Allah to cause growth, life, and change in the world.


Indeed, this Qur'an is a decisive word.

The Qur'an is a clear and authoritative message that leaves no room for doubt. It is the final and conclusive word from Allah, guiding humanity on how to live righteously and how to achieve success in both this life and the Hereafter.


And it is not amusement.

The Qur'an is not a book of mere entertainment or trivialities. It contains serious and profound guidance that shapes the lives of those who follow it.


Indeed, they are planning a plan,

The disbelievers, those who reject the truth, are plotting and scheming against the message of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They may think they can thwart the message, but their plans will ultimately fail.


But I am planning a plan.

In response to their plans, Allah affirms that He is the ultimate planner. No matter how much the disbelievers plot, Allah's plan will prevail, and His will cannot be undone.


So allow time for the disbelievers. Leave them a little while.

Allah advises the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to give time to the disbelievers, allowing them a brief period before they face the consequences of their rejection. Their plotting will not succeed in the long term, as Allah’s plan will come to pass.

Summary of Surah At-Tariq:

Surah At-Tariq serves as a reminder of the power of Allah, His control over all aspects of creation, and the certainty of the Day of Judgment. It highlights the humble beginnings of human beings, the guardians assigned to each soul, and the eventual revelation of all secrets on the Day of Judgment. The Surah encourages reflection on the creation of humanity and the reality of life and death, urging people to recognize their accountability before Allah. It also assures the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that, despite the disbelievers' opposition and plotting, Allah’s plan will ultimately prevail.


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