Surah Quraysh in English Translation with Explain


 Surah Quraysh in English Translation with Explain

Surah Quraysh in English

Surah Quraysh is the 106th chapter of the Qur'an, consisting of 4 verses. It is a Makki Surah, and it emphasizes the blessings Allah bestowed upon the tribe of Quraysh, who were the custodians of the Ka'bah in Makkah. The Surah calls the Quraysh people to worship Allah in gratitude for the favors He granted them, particularly the protection and provision they received.

Here is the English translation of Surah Quraysh, along with brief explanations for each verse:


For the accustomed security of the Quraysh,

This verse refers to the Quraysh tribe's established security and prosperity. They were able to live in safety and comfort due to the protection provided by Allah. The Quraysh were the guardians of the Ka'bah, which brought them prestige and economic benefit because many people from different regions traveled to Makkah for pilgrimage and trade. Allah is reminding them of this blessing, which they should recognize and appreciate.


Their accustomed security during the caravan of winter and summer.

The Quraysh were accustomed to secure trading journeys, particularly in the winter and summer. In winter, they would travel to Yemen for trade, and in summer, they would journey to Syria. These seasonal trade routes were profitable and ensured the well-being of the tribe. Allah highlights this blessing to show the Quraysh that their prosperity and safety were gifts from Him.


Let them worship the Lord of this House,

This verse calls upon the Quraysh to worship the Lord of the Ka'bah, the House of Allah, which was located in Makkah. Allah reminds them that their prosperity, security, and blessings are from Him, and they should be grateful by dedicating themselves to worshiping and serving Him. The verse urges the Quraysh to recognize the One who provided for them and protected them.


Who has fed them, saving them from hunger and made them safe, saving them from fear.

This verse outlines the specific blessings that the Quraysh received from Allah:

  • Feeding them, saving them from hunger: Allah provided for their material needs, ensuring they were well-fed and prosperous.
  • Made them safe, saving them from fear: The Quraysh lived in security, free from external threats and dangers. Allah protected them from fear, even when other regions were unstable or in conflict.

The verse emphasizes Allah’s provision and protection, reminding the Quraysh to show gratitude by worshiping Him.

Summary of Surah Quraysh:

Surah Quraysh highlights the blessings Allah bestowed upon the Quraysh tribe, particularly their security, prosperity, and protection. It reminds them of the favors they received, such as safe and profitable trade routes and protection of the Ka'bah, and calls on them to worship Allah in gratitude for these blessings. The Surah serves as a reminder for all people to recognize and appreciate the divine blessings they enjoy and to dedicate their lives to worshiping the One who provided for them.


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