350+ Best Inspirational Instagram Captions with Images

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Inspirational Instagram Captions

“Quitter Never Win and Winners will never Quit.”

“Men are born to succeed, not fail.”

“Learn to wait. There’s always time for everything.”

“Everything You need is already inside you, Get Started.”

“If you woke up without a goal then go back to sleep.”

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”

“I can. I will. End of story.”

“Let your smile ruin your haters.”

“You Can do anything if you want to.”

“Never hesitate of doing things.”

“Laughter is the best weapon for all your enemies.”

“Do something useful.”

“Never tell people your secret.”

I am not lazy, I am just on save energy mode.

Be a pineapple: stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.

It takes the time it takes.

Ignore the pain, it’s worth the gain.

Move with purpose.

Act like you know what you’re doing.

People can say they care, but it means nothing until they prove it.

Defeat is temporary, Giving Up makes it permanent.

Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.

Be sure enough to taste your words before you spit them out.

Do not learn how to react, learn how to respond.

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden in the mind.

Life is like photography you need the negatives to develop.

When you are Downie, eat a brownie.

You are one in a melon.

I tried to embrace my inner child today and the little asshole bit me.

Run like you stole something.

I hate it when I gain 10 lbs for a role and then I realize I am not even an actor.

I love listening to lies when I know the truth.

Experience is the best teacher.

Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself with others

It’s going to happen because I’m going to make it happen

Men are born to succeed, not fail

May you live every day of your life.

If you have never failed, you have never lived.

Action is the foundational key to all success.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

Everything You need is already inside you, Get Started.

They told me I’d never get that Far. They were right, I got even Further.

A year from now You’ll wish, you had started today

Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Harmony.

Language is the key to the heart of people.

All great changes are preceded by chaos -Deepak Chopra

God couldn’t be everywhere, so he created mothers.

Never give up on the things that make you smile.

When nothing goes right, go left.

Mom: Why is everything on the floor? Me: Gravity!

Sure, I do marathons. On Netflix.

Did it for the memories – totally worth it!

Look in the mirror. That’s your competition.

ETC. End of Thinking Capacity.

Be a cupcake in a world of muffins

Good things come to those who work.

Sometimes we don’t need a plan, Sometimes we just need to do it.

Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh.

Son, why is the bottle of whisky half empty? Because you’re a pessimist, dad.

Don’t forget these 3 things: People, Money and your past experiences

A choice is simple. Work on your life or Someone’s else

Me, myself, and I. The three of us are enough.

Is my makeup good? No, I can still see you.

So many books, so little time – Frank Zappa

Comfort zones may be nice places but they are waste lands where nothing grows.

Your current situation is not your Final Destination, The best is yet to come.

My only Talent is I JUST DON’T QUIT.

People will talk behind your back. Make sure to give them an Interesting topic.

Be with someone who would wait 7 hours just to see you for one.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Dreams unwind, Love’s a state of mind. – Fleetwood Mac, Rhiannon

Negative thinking will never make your life positive

People always wanna come back into your life when they see you looking good or doing good without a team.

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.

Find the courage to ask the questions and to express what to really want.

The happiest people don’t have everything. They make the best of everything they have.

Be careful with your words, Once they are out They can only be forgiven, not forgotten

Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, They’re behind you for a reason

Trust is a dangerous game.

What people think of me is none of my business.

Mistakes are meant for learning not for repeating.

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.

Rule your mind or it will rule you.

Excellence is not an act but a habit.

Realize deeply that the present moment is ALL you ever have.

I thought it was a pain. It was a weakness leaving the body.

Work smarter, not harder.

What others think of you is none of your business

To be inspired is great. To inspire is Incredible.

Each day we are born again. What we do today is what matters the most.

“There is nothing impossible in this World.”

“Learn to forgive people.”

“Follow your dreams.”

Friday! Bring out the wine. It’s my second favorite F word.

Laughs. Scents and tastes. There are things worth living for.

If you woke up without a goal then go back to sleep

One day all your hard work will pay off

You can’t always be nice that people take advantage of you.

Mindset is everything that you think you become.

People usually forget to thank when you did good to them, but they never forget to blame when you did wrong to them.
Mindset is what separates the best from the rest

Cheaters think everyone cheats and Liars think everyone lies

Never settle less than what you deserve

Motivate Me, Support Me, or Get the F**k Out of My Way

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. – Sigmund Freud

I’m here for a good time, not a long time. – Big Sean, Blessings

Take chance when you’re young So that you can tell stories when you’re old

You can’t stop a person doing what they want to do. They’ll start lying to you to continue doing it

You were not given this life to be Average

No Matter How you Feel, Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up, and Never and Ever Give Up

If you don’t fight for what you want then don’t cry for what you lost

Opportunities are like sunrises, If you wait too long you can miss them

Please do what you love, find a way, no excuses

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde

You don’t have to like me. The important thing is for me to like me.

“To be motivated think positive.”

“Success always comes from failure.”

“Work in silence.”

“Never stop trying.”

“Whatever you do, do with your heart.”

“Don’t read the chapter again and again.”

“Negative thought comes from the negative people.”

“Never let your dream go away.”

“You have to be odd to be unique.”

“Make a difference.”

“A small idea can make a great business.”

“Believe in yourself.”

“Every person needs hurdles because without that you can’t learn when to jump.”

“Big plan of small man can make him an entrepreneur.”

“Positive thinking can make a huge difference.”

“It’s never too late.”

Life is all about money.

Walk alone, you will never fail.

Sometimes you need to ruin the book which reminds you of what you did.

If you don’t have an attitude then sorry bro! you can’t survive in this cruel world.

Don’t do things that do not give you happiness.

Always learn from little things.

Don’t ask anyone to stay, if they love you they will stay at any cost.

“One day all your hard work will pay off.”

“The action is the foundational key to all success.”

“No matter how down you are, always get up and give your best!?”

Looking for inspirational new year captions for Instagram post? Check out our article on new year captions.

“A year from now You’ll wish, you had started today.”

“Mindset is what separates the best from the rest.”

“The best revenge is a massive success.”

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” –Life’s Little Instruction Book

“You were not given this life to be Average.”

“Dream big and dare to fail.”

“Today is the only day. Yesterday is gone?”

“Someone was hurt before you, wronged before you, hungry before you, frightened before you, beaten before you, humiliated before you, raped before you… yet, someone survived… You can do anything you choose to do.” –Maya Angelou

“Don’t settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something.” — Ashton Kutcher

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey

Your past does not equal your future.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates

“I like criticism. It makes you strong.” — LeBron James

If you can’t, you must. If you must, you can.

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” – Leo Burnett

The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.

Goals are like magnets. They’ll attract the things that make them come true.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

The path to success is to take massive, determined action.

Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.

There is great beauty in being yourself.

I feel the best, when I am happy.

The most important thing a girl wears is her confidence.

Silence, is the best reply to a fool.

If you are confident you are beautiful.

Nothing worth having comes easy.

I’m a simple person with a complicated mind.

There is beauty in simplicity.

Be happy. Be bright. And, Be you.

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

I am not a shopaholic. I am helping the economy.

Shopping is an art. I’m an artist. Respect please.

Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be.

You are forever and always the hero of my heart, the love of my life.

Having hope will give you courage.

You’ve come so far, don’t quit now.

I am a programmer i have no life.

She who dares, wins.

Do it with passion or not at all.

Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself.

Keep your face towards the sunshine, you will never see the shadow.

Looking for more motivational captions for yourself? Look out our article on captions for pictures of yourself.

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.

I may not be with you at all times, but I want you to know that you are never out of my heart. I love you!

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

I talk about you like you put stars in the sky.

If I know what love is, it is because of you.

I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.

Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.

You are extraordinary, exquisite, impressive, magical and I am so in love with you.

Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.

I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.

Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I’m ready for war.

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.

Everybody has an addiction, mine just happens to be you.

You give me the kind of feelings people write novels about.

I’m much more me when I’m with you.

Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I want to smile.

Fun times at the beach are like sand. You always bring them home with you.

I want to be wild, beautiful, and free. Just like the sea.

If you catch me smiling today, it’s because I’m thinking of the beach.

Just like sandcastles, nothing lasts forever. But building them was a blast.

When a walk on the beach gets rocky, there’s always a wave to jump into.

It doesn’t matter where you go in life, as long as you go to the beach.

Salty hair, don’t care.

B.E.A.C.H.: Best Escape Anyone Can Have.

I followed my heart, and it led me to the beach.

Love you to the beach and back.

Just like sandcastles, nothing lasts forever. But building them was a blast.

The beach is calling and I must go.

An ocean breeze puts a mind at ease.

I’m pretty sure my birthstone is a sea shell.

Salt in the air. Sand in my hair.

I need some beach therapy.

If you got eyes, look at me now.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Before you judge me, Make sure you are perfect.

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

The scariest moment is always just before you start.

I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people.

I wasn’t lucky, I deserved it.

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

I Love Life, I Love My Photos.

I know who I am, and I am damn proud of it.

If you have never failed, you have never lived.

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.

This is the most magical pic of your life.

Fresh out of the shower, no makeup.

Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.

A Selfie a day keeps the friends away.

WARNING: U may fall in love with my face.

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.

The smile is the 2nd best thing that U can do with Ur lips.

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.

I was born to stand out.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

I’m not fat, I’m just easy to see.

Don’t dream of it. Train for it.

Never underestimate the power of a charming Smile.

Begin and End your day with a Smile.

I’d rather laugh with the sinners.

Live more, worry less.

No man is a failure who is enjoying life.

And I simply decided to be happy again.

Some things are better in dreams.

Sunday funday.

I am unique. I am special. And, I am ME.

Never let anyone treat you like you’re ordinary.

Do me a favor, Smile.

I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.

Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.

My style is unique, please don’t copy it!

Some days you just have to create your own sunshine.

Nothing is worth it if you aren’t happy.

Life is way too short for bad vibes.

Smile the only fashion that lasts forever.

Let it be.

Just me.

Confidence and intelligence will never stop being beautiful.

I’m not short, my height is just cute.

Sorry I am not PERFECT but I am definitely not FAKE!

Who needs makeup when you have a smile?

Smile. Always.

Believe in the selfie that believes in you.

Screw perfect.

I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.

Own it.

I’m no good.

But first, let me take a selfie.

Selfie, selfie, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Sweet like candy.

This is how to become a heartbreaker.

Smile. It opens doors and hearts.

Be a bad ass with a good ass!

Life isn’t perfect, but my outfit is.

Selfie on fleek.

Dear camera, why can’t you treat me as well as the mirror does?

You are what you eat.

Ah, a perfectly captured selfie!

This is proof that I can do selfies better than you.

Is there ever a bad time for a selfie?

Limited edition.

Stay golden.

A selfie a day keeps the friends away.

Grl power.

Eyes talk.

You make my heart smile.

It’s funny because it’s true.

OMG, look at me!

I’ll definitely do me.

You step foot into the gym with one goal; to KILL your workout. Worry about that. Leave everything else at the door.

Our greatest glory is not in falling, but rising every time we fall

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.

The best antidepressant is the gym! Take at least once daily!

Let’s hit the GYM. Date, while we warm up. And call it fitness-love.

You born as you, no one else can be you. You’re someone special so let the world know and shine bright!

Nobody said it was easy.

You must do what others don’t, to achieve what others won’t.

GYM until you no longer have to introduce yourself.

There are two types of pain in this world: pain that hurts you and pain that changes you.

The person who makes his body lazy is the one who uses his brain more than his body.

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