149+ Happy Birthday Wishes for jiju ji with Image | WishesHippo


Happy Birthday Wishes for jiju : Let’s celebrate your jaja/jiju birthday through share our wishes with image. Jiju is one of person in our life that we do fun and spent some best time in our life. If we talking about your jiju’s birthday then you should celebrate his birthday and make this special day in his life.

So if you looking for Happy Birthday Wishes for jiju then you are on right place to find out the best birthday wishes for jiju in hindi and english with image. We are share with you wishes list you have to just copy any one wishes and send it to your jiju through whatsapp and instagram. THis is best way to celebrate your jiju birthday through social media.

Best Birthday Wishes for jiju Image


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Happy Birthday Wishes for jiju in Hindi

जीजा के बिना जीवन लगता है खाली,जीजा हो तो हर वक़्त मुस्कुराती है साली !जन्मदिन मुबारक हो जीजाजी
तुम्हारे जन्मदिन के दिन ये दुआ है हमारीजितने हैं चाँद तारे उतनी हो उम्र तुम्हारी।और यही बीत जाये हर साल तुम्हार।हैप्पी बर्थडे जीजू
दुनिया की खुशियाँ आपको मिल जायें,अपनों से मिलके आपका मन खिल जाये,चेहरे पर दुःख की कभी शिकन भी न हो,आपके जन्मदिन पर मेरी दिल से शुभकामनाएं।जन्मदिन मुबारक जीजा जी
तुम्हारे जन्मदिन के दिन ये दुआ है हमारीजितने हैं चाँद तारे उतनी हो उम्र तुम्हारी। ?और यही बीत जाये हर साल तुम्हार। ?हैप्पी बर्थडे जीजू
दुनिया की खुशियाँ आपको मिल जायें,अपनों से मिलके आपका मन खिल जाये, ?चेहरे पर दुःख की कभी शिकन भी न हो, ?आपके जन्मदिन पर मेरी दिल से शुभकामनाएं।जन्मदिन मुबारक जीजा जी
हर दिन से प्यारा लगता है हमें ये ख़ास दिन ,हम जिसे बिताना नहीं चाहते आप बिन , ?वैसे तो दिल देता है सदा ही दुआ आपको ,फिर भी कहते है मुबारक हो जन्मदिन आपको .?फूलो सा महकता रहे हमेशा जीवन तुम्हारा,खुशिया चूमे कदम तुम्हरे बहुत सारा प्यार औरHappy Birthday Jija Ji
तमन्नाओं से भरी हो जिंदगी,ख्वाहिशों से भरा हो हर पल,दामन भी छोटा लगने लगे,इतनी खुशियाँ दे आने वाला कल !आपको जन्मदिन की ढेरों शुभकामनाएं
हर दिन से प्यारा लगता है हमें ये ख़ास दिन ,हम जिसे बिताना नहीं चाहते आप बिन ,वैसे तो दिल देता है सदा ही दुआ आपको ,फिर भी कहते है मुबारक हो जन्मदिन आपको .फूलो सा महकता रहे हमेशा जीवन तुम्हारा,खुशिया चूमे कदम तुम्हरे बहुत सारा प्यार औरHappy Birthday Jija Ji

हर लम्हा आपके होठों पे मुस्कान रहे,
हर ग़म से आप अनजान रह।
जिसके साथ महक उठे आपकी ज़िन्दगी,
हमेशा आपके साथ वो इंसान रहे
जन्मदिन बहुत बहुत मुबारक जीजू

सूरज की किरणें तेज दे आपको,खिलते हुए फूल खुशबू दे आपको,हम जो भी देंगे वो कम ही होगा,खुदा जिंदगी की हर खुशी दे आपको !प्यारे जीजा जी को जन्मदिन की बधाइयाँ
हर राह आसन हो,हर राह पे खुशिया हो,हर दिन ख़ूबसूरत हो,ऐसा ही पूरा जीवन हो,यही हर दिन मेरी दुआ हो,ऐसा ही तुम्हारा हर जन्मदिन हो….!!जीजा जी हैप्पी बर्थडे
हर दिशा जीने की एक नयी आस दे आपको,हर लम्हा और हर पल कुछ खास दे आपको,उगता हुआ सूरज और खिलता हुआ फूल भीहर दिन ताजगी भरा अहसास दे आपको !हमारे प्यारे जीजा जन्मदिन मुबारक आपको !
हो पूरी दिल की हर ख्वाहिश आपके,और मिले खुशियों का जहां आपको,अगर आप मांगें आसमां का एक तारा,तो खुदा दे दे सारा आसमां आपको।


Birthday wishes for jiju from sali

फूल खिलते रहे जिंदगी की राह मेंहंसी चमकती रहे आपकी निगाह मेंकदम कदम पर मिले ख़ुशी की बाहर आपकोदिल देता है यही दुआ इस जन्मदिन पर आपकोफूलों ने अमृत का जाम भेजा है,सूरज ने गगन से सलाम भेजा है,मुबारक हो आपको नया जन्मदिन,तहे-दिल से हमने ये पैगाम भेजा है…हैप्पी बर्थडे जीजा जी # Saali
चांद चांदनी लेकर आया है,चिड़ियों ने गाना गाया है,फूलों ने हंस हंस के खिलखिलाया है,मुबारक हो तुम्हारा जन्मदिन आया है..”Happy Birthday Jiju Ji
दिल से मेरी दुआ है कि खुश रहो तुममिले ना कोई गम जहाँ भी रहो तुमसमंदर की तरह दिल है गहरा तुम्हारासदा खुशियों से भरा रहे दामन तुम्हार।जन्मदिन मुबारक जीजा जी
भगवान बुरी नज़र से बचाए आपको,चाँद सितारों से सजाए आपको,गम क्या होता है ये आप भूल ही जाओ,भगवान ज़िन्दगी में इतना हसाए आपको।”Janamdin Mubaraj Jiju

Happy Birthday Wishes for jiju in English

Birthday is the perfect time of celebration of our life. I hope you have rocking time full of enjoyment and Blessings. We miss you a lot jiju ? Happy Birthday once again.
Happy Birthday, dear jiju ? ! May your birthday bring you countless happiness and endless joy. May all your life be filled with peace and serenity.Also Read : Happy Birthday Wishes For Ex Colleague
God made us Brother-Sister but we become friends, Here’s my hug full of love and happy wishes as we celebrate jiju’s birthday today ? . Have a Cute One.
appy birthday to my naughtiest brother in law, you know the art of living who always well to the future and hug the present with heart, who never regrets past and not have that impact on present and future. You are the person with full of life. May God bless your smile.
Happy birthday to my double cheek brother-in-law, you are like a sweet fluffy teddy bear, who speaks less but speaks very important, we like to hear and believe your words. May God blessed you with a long and joyful life.
Happy birthday to my incredible and most talented Jiju, you are a genuine and an understanding person. We are always your well-wisher ever because you are very special to us.
Dear Jiju on the occasion of your birthday I wish you may receive all the joy and happiness in your life, don’t forget me while throwing your birthday party with your friends and family after all I am the special one for you. Happy birthday to my lovely jiju.
My heartily best wishes to the sweetest and amazing person, I wish you a beautiful day and a beautiful life ahead. Happy Birthday to you Jiju ? Stay Blessed
Thousands of wishes, lots of smiles ? and peace of mind. That’s what I asked today God to give you entire life. Happy Birthday, jiju!
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful, awesome, handsome, courageous, funny person. I have an awesome Jiju ? Stay Blessed
Happy birthday to the best Jiju! Our family get-togethers have gotten a lot more entertaining since you joined the family!
Happy birthday dear Jiju. My husband wouldn’t be the same man he is without all those childhood adventures you both went on. Thank you for helping make my husband the great guy he is.
As Fragrances can’t be separated from the flowers! Light can’t be separated from the sun! Jiju you can’t separate from my didi! Happy birthday to my favorite jiju ?
I really often jealous of my sister as she has such a fantastic husband like you! I wish you a wonderful life full of happiness and sweet memories ? Happy Birthday, Jiju Jaan.
My dear sister has made lots of mistakes in her life. But one thing she did which made up for all of them by marring you and getting a wonderful brother-in-law like you. Happy Birthday, jiju ?
Happy Birthday Jiju! Wishes for your Birthday, lots of beer, gifts, party people, love, smiling faces, tears of joy and much more.
The family made us sisters, life made us friends, Here’s a great big Birthday hug full of love and happy wishes as you celebrate your great day. Have a Cute Jiju!
Happy Birthday! May this day bring countless happiness and endless joy and live with peace and serenity.
I send across my best wishes to one of the best persons of I know, who is like a best friend to me and has given me the best possible times in my life.
Billions of greetings, Thousands of wishes and hundred of colors, kg’s of cakes, lots of smiles and peace of mind. That’s what I asked god to give entire your life. Happy Birthday!
Think of every birthday as a gold medal for all the good things you have done for so many people. You are a winner.
For many people, the word friend is just a sequence of letters. For me, it is the source of happiness and strength because of you. Happy Birthday
May you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring, all the blessings life can unfold. May you get the world’s best in everything!!!
Have a fantastic birthday, celebrate the happiness of every day of your life. ― Happy Birthday!!
Let yourself do everything that you like most in life, may your Big Day be cheerful and happy!
A day that starts happy and ends that way, too… That’s what this card wishes especially for you. Have a very good year Happy Birthday!
Birthdays come and go, everyone grows up a year every year, and gifts are opened and thrown. But I want that my Birthday wishes stay with you forever. Happy Birthday!
Today you should see your own reflection in the mirror and assure yourself that you’ve got to empty your pockets and throw a big party today. Happy Birthday! “Birthday SMS For Jiju”
Happy BirthdayKhushi Khushi Beete Har Din AapkaChandni Raat Suhaani HoKadam Pade Jahan Jahan AapkePhoolon Ki Wahan Barsat Ho!Happy Birthday To You!
Our relationship has gone beyond brother-in-law to just brother. I love that about you and so glad that I have you in my life! Happy Birthday!
I think we should campaign to have the word brother-in-law removed from all the languages of the world so that it remains as just ‘brother’. Then all extended family relationships would be as sweet as ours. Happy birthday to my sister’s husband.
From the time you started dating my sister, I secretly hoped that you became my brother-in-law. And God granted me my wish. Happy birthday to my favorite person in the family.
The happiest person in the world is the one who thinks the most interestingthoughts and we grow happier as we grow older. HPY BIRTHDAY JIJU
Happy Birthday Jiju! Wishes for your Birthday, lots of beer, gifts, party people, love, smiling faces, tears of joy and much more.
Happy birthday to the best brother-in-law! Our family get-togethers have gotten a lot more entertaining since you joined the family!
Watching you and my sister interact always makes me so happy. I love the way you both care about each other so much. I couldn’t be happier to have you as a brother-in-law. Happy birthday brother!
Cheers to you brother-in-law! You’ve made it another year. Just remember, you’re not another year older you are another year better!
You know I wouldn’t miss my brother-in-law’s birthday, right? I’m just wishing you a happy birthday a bit late because I figure you might to spread the birthday wishes out a bit! Happy belated birthday, I hope it was a good one!
I have a great brother-in-law and everyone knows. Because I tell them! And I figure I should tell you as well. You’re a great guy and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
I hope your birthday is as happy and fun as you are dear brother-in-law!
You deserve everything you want and more for your birthday. You might not get it, but you deserve it!
Thanks for making my sister so happy. She is way easier to tolerate now… Happy birthday!
Not everyone is as lucky as me to be blessed with a good friend I like you. Thank you so much for coming into my life. Happy Birthday to you!
Dear Jiju! To my beautiful wife, I wish you a Birthday bright as a diamond, sparkling like a star, and so special that you will still be smiling about it when your next Birthdays comes along.
Here’s wishing a Happy Birthday to the most charming, attractive, funny and rocking personality. Have a sweet Jiju!
I really admired how much effort you put my dad to accept you. I admired how you proved to our dad that you are the right person for my sister. Thank for marring my sister. happy birthday, jiju ? Stay Blessed
On this special day I want to say that we are not just related because of the word in-law, but because of respect, admiration, and understanding. Happy birthday to a jiju who I am deeply fond of ?

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