Happy 98th Birthday Wishes : In this post you will find out the best collection of Happy 98th Birthday wishes and Happy 98th Birthday wishes for son. so doesn’t mater today is your daughter birthday or son birthday you can find wishes for both them. We have more then 100 collection of wishes for your daughter and son to celebrate their birthday.
Happy 98th Birthday wishes is so special for your as parent this is time when your baby become more mature so lets make this day so special and celebrate it with lot of happiness You are so happy and luckiest person because you have cute baby and now they gonna turn 4 years old that means lot of happiness moment for your life.
So here you can find Happy 98th Birthday wishes for daughter and Happy 98th Birthday wishes for son to celebrate their birthday. We also attached some more images to that help to show your feeling though our wishes and images for Happy 98th Birthday wishes.
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Best Happy 98th Birthday Wishes
As a brother you are sweet,as a friend you are the best.To have you in our familymakes us all so truly blessed.Happy 96th birthday!
You are 96!And yet you still think thatyou're 50. You still act likelife is rehearsal and youhave plenty of time.You've wasted your life.You have achieved nothing..At least now you should understand it..Happy 96th birthday!
“The wisdom that our grandparents have is the inheritance that we should receive. A town that does not guard grandparents has no future because it has no memory. ”(Pope Francis). You see how important you are to us. That’s why we can’t miss your birthday. Happy Birthday, Dear!
Always remember that you are never old enough not to have new dreams and illusions and continue learning new experiences. Happy Birthday!
Do not count the years, tell better the joys lived, the people who love you, and that we are here to celebrate them by your side. Happy Birthday!
I always remember that as a child, you told me all those fascinating stories that you had to live; I was stunned by your stories. I hope to do the same at your age with the little ones. Happy birthday my dear old man!
Every year you renew your existence, it represents another year of youth for those who have an ageless heart and a life inspired by love. Happy Birthday!
Today you turn 30, and you have 40 more years of experience because, with your joy, you bring life to your existence. Happy Birthday Dear on your birthday!
You are a true treasure because, with your wisdom acquired throughout your life, it is a legacy for us. I appreciate your advice and your time. You have helped me make decisions in difficult times. Therefore, I want to wish you a happy birthday!
Do not be ashamed of your wrinkles because they show you all the years lived and all those beautiful experiences. Happy Birthday!
No matter how old you are, you don’t represent them. Happy Birthday to you!
There are no words in any language that express how lucky I am to have you in my life. Happy Birthday, Dear!
Do not waste any opportunity to smile. Life gives you a day for you, enjoy it. and happy birthday
Congratulations on your 96th birthday!These special wishes are just for you....to show how much you are thought ofand wished lots of happiness..
Cup cakes and candy, sweets galore,we have all this open house in storefor a sweet lady turning 96.Happy 96th birthday!
Dear grandma..With love on your specialThis brings another chanceto tell you, how others you're thoughtof and how warmly you're wished.The same kind of happinessyou always bring to others.
Old? No way!This is the youngestyou are ever goingto celebrate!
Hallelujah to the Lord God Almighty who reigns forever. He who has done great things and greater things He will yet do. He has counted you worthy to be alive and healthy even to mark your 98th birthday, dad. Much more, He has granted me and the family to grace to have you with us even at this time. I am deeply grateful to You, O God, blessed be Your name. Daddy, it’s my prayer for you this day, that as you mark your 98th birthday, you shall wax strong in spirit, soul and body. Your wisdom and sense of rightness shall be further pruned and sharpened. You shall be graced with happiness and joy all around. This new age of yours shall be accompanied with rest and peace of mind. Happy 98th birthday to my handsome aged dad. I love you, dad!
Your words of wisdom are graciously imparted by the heavens. Your lifestyle is a legacy to keep. You are indeed a blessing from God. And I am grateful to God for giving me a father like you. And much more grateful to God for giving you the grace of celebrating your 98th birthday. Hallelujah to Him! I pray for you my dear father, that as you mark your 98th birthday, you shall be graced with unusual strength and agility. Your strength shall not fail you. May your grey in wisdom and knowledge of God. May God bless you with more life, may you celebrate 99, 100, 110… years in strength and joy. I love you so much, dad. Happy 98th birthday to you!
Happy 98th birthday to you, dad. As you mark your 98th birthday today, may you be blessed with more strength, more agility, grace and peace of mind. May you find rest from trouble and enjoyment of all your labours in your youthful days. I love you dad, happy 98th birthday to you!
My sweet mom, my golden mother. I am thankful to God for bringing me to this world through you. You are an epitome of substance and true motherhood. I pray that you shall be favoured with unusual strength, unspeakable joy and untampered peace all around. May you see and play with more of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You are truly a mother. Happy 98th birthday to you, mum. I love you!
Happy 98th birthday to someone so dear to my heart, a special breed of humans. My mother, my lovely mother. May your life be sweetened the more with happiness and joyfulness. May you be graced with love and peace. Troubles and sorrows shall be far away from you. I love you, sweet mom. Happy 98th birthday to you, mom.
Thank you so much mom, for being the kind of person that teaches me right from wrong. A mother with a difference and a lovely personality you are. I am happy to be given birth to by you. May your life and existence be graciously filled with joy, comfort and laughter. Your strength shall be renewed and your body shall be refreshed. I love you sweet mom, happy 98th birthday to you, my lovely mom.
Your kind of strength, your kind of love and care, your kind of character as a woman, wife, mother and grandmother is one of a kind. I admire you so much, mom. You are a role model for me. I pray from my heart to you, mom, that as you mark your 98th birthday today, may you enjoy peace, love, laughter and happiness on all sides. Your life shall be much more a blessing to many. I thank God in your behalf always, mom. And I love you so much, sweet mother. Happy, wonderful, peaceful and healthy 98th birthday to you, mom.
98th Birthday Prayer Messages for Grand DadPray for you granddad as he marks his 98ty birthday with these lovely and gracious 98th birthday prayer messages for granddad.
Happy birthday to my handsome, strong and agile granddad. You are a very strong man. All thanks to God for granting you the grace to mark your 98th birthday today. What grace. I love your display of wisdom and prudence in dealing with situations. You are a real man. It’s my prayer for you this day, that you shall be filled with happiness and joy in the stead of sorrow and anxiety. Your days shall be blessed with the mercy and grace of God. Happy 98th birthday to you, granddad.
You are a blessing to many, and specially to me. Your life is an exemplary one to many young generations. I thank God for you and your new age. May your life be filled and surrounded with happiness, no pain, both emotionally and bodily shall be inflicted on you. You shall enjoy your days with tranquillity and joy. Happy 98th birthday to you, granddad.
Your attitude in handling situation is unique. Your wisdom is special and from God. I admire you so much, granddad. Happy birthday to you, may this new age of yours be an age of rest of mind. Peace and grace shall be multiplied to you. You shall celebrate 99, 100, 105, 110…years in strength and agility. Happy and joyful 98th birthday to you, granddad.
The impact you fill in my life is special and I am so much grateful to God for you and your new age, granddad. May this your 98th birthday of yours be a birthday with uniqueness, filled with happiness and joyfulness. May your heart be strengthened and your body be rejuvenated. May your strength be renewed, granddad. Happy 98th birthday to you!
May your days be full of laughter, may your heart be overwhelmed with happiness and your body be rejuvenated with new strength. Happy 98th birthday to you, grandma.
It’s my prayer for you, grandma that you will experience joy, laughter and happiness like a river. May this new year be sweetened with honey-filled moments even as you age with grey headedness, may your body be free from old age troubles and infirmities. May your heart be surrounded by joyful and lovely experiences. I love you, grandma. Happy 98th birthday to you!More strength, more smiles, more happiness, more fruits from all your labours, more impact on the younger generation, more peace of mind, more sweetness, more life, more calendars to beat. May you celebrate, 99, 100, 110, 120…years. Happy 98th birthday to you, grandma. I love you!
Your strength shall not fail you, you shall not be brought down by any disease or sickness. Your days on earth shall be peaceful and joyful. Your heart shall know no trouble neither shall it know any anxiety, you shall live to see more of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I love you, grandma. Happy 98th birthday to you.
As you mark your 98th birthday today, may your heart be blessed with unreserved happiness, unlimited joy, peace like a river, and healthiness, soundness shall be your portion. Happy 98th birthday to you, grandma. You are a very strong woman. I love you so much!
A father-in-law who respect everyone is who you are. Your kind of lifestyle is an example to everyone especially the younger generation. I admire your strength, my father-in-law. As you celebrate your 98th birthday today, may your strength be renewed, your body be revitalized and your heart be blessed with unlimited happiness. Happy 98th birthday to you, father-in-law.
I pour out my heart in prayers for you, father-in-law that as you mark your 98th birthday today, may you be strengthened the more to live long, may your life be filled with happiness and joyfulness unreserved. May you be blessed with more wisdom and prudence. Happy 98th birthday to you, father-in-law.
As you mark your 98th birthday, father-in-law, may your be surrounded with joyful moments, happiness shall be a streak of moments for you. Your body shall not break down. Your strength shall be renewed. Happy 98th birthday to you, father-in-law.
Your days shall be favoured, your strength shall be renewed, your heart shall be stabilized from troubles, your essence shall be impactful and your body shall be refreshed. Happy 98th birthday to you, mother-in-law.
Your life is a positive impactful and exemplary one. You are a mother-in-law with a good difference. I admire you a lot! I pray that as you mark your 98th birthday today, the heavens shall bless you tremendously with happiness, joyful and peaceful heart-filled experience. Your body shall be free from aged diseases or sickness. No pain, no strain, no reason to be hospitalized. Happy 98th birthday to you, mother-in-law.
A mother, a good mother, a special grandmother, a lovely mother-in-law. You shall enjoy soundness and healthiness the more. A year of laughter, a season of rest and a time filled with happiness and joy shall this year be to you. You shall not be cut short of life. Happy 98th birthday to you, mother-in-law.
Heavenly Father of lights, the One who gives life and life more abundantly, we give You thanks for the grace poured out on this special day for this special celebrant. Oh, what a grace-filled occasion. We thank You for the life of the celebrant and the family. Celebrating 98 years of definitely much more of Your grace and mercy. We thank You for safekeeping of the celebrant up to this day. We adore Your name. We pray that as we commence this celebration today, everything will be under Your sovereignty and control. We plead for Your mercy that this celebration shall be gracious, peaceful and lovely. We pray that from the beginning of the celebration to the end, everything done shall be successful and impactful. We bless You, dear God. Hallelujah to Your name!
O Lord God Almighty, the maker of the heavens and the earth, the giver of life. We thank You for giving us all the grace to witness today and much more, this grace-filled occasion. We place into You mighty hand this celebration that as we all gather to celebrate with the celebrant today, may all that will be done be peaceful, graceful, and wonderful. May the celebrant be blessed with more years on earth in happiness and joyfulness. May we all the well-wishers also be blessed with longevity of life in good health, soundness and wealthiness. We thank You for You have answered of prayers in faith.
Dear God, we come before You this day, pouring out our hearts in thanksgiving to You for the grace of life today, the chance to witness a gracious celebration here today, we bless You mighty name. We humbly ask that You go with us as we commence this celebration today, we ask for Your presence to be with us, we also ask that You bless both the celebrant, the family of the celebrant and all the well-wishers with longevity of life in happiness, healthiness and soundness. Thank You, everlasting Father, hallelujah to You!
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