Heart touching Apology Letter to Boyfriend with image


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This is the best way to save relations by saying sorry never take time to say sorry because some time sorry can save your relation even sometime can save your life. This is this best collection on the internet of Apology Letter to Boyfriend even you can use this message for partner, wife, and loved once. You can copy and messages by click on copy button and send through any social media.

So let’s start to read Apology Letter to Boyfriend..

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Apology Letter to Boyfriend

I am so sorry about what happened.
Honestly, it was never my intention to hurt you with my action.
I can’t say I truly understand how you feel right now but I just want you to know that I am incredibly sorry for what I did and I will do just about anything to make up for it.
Find it in your heart to forgive me my love and know that having you around means the entire world to me.
You are the world’s best boyfriend and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My apologies for the way I talked to you earlier.
I knew quite alright that you wanted me to drop the topic but I kept pushing it.
You are one person who talks about stuff when you are ready and I’m so sorry for putting you on the spot like that.
I absolutely had no idea that you will get so mad but I truly have no excuse for what happened.
I know that it is one too many times but I sincerely hope that it is the last.

I am very sorry for my outburst the other day I should never have raised my voice on you like that.
I respect you so much not just as my man but also as someone who deserves all the respect there is.
Believe me, the situation went out of control before I could realise it and I have totally learnt my lesson.
I would want to sit and talk about this whenever you are ready.
I really am sorry my love and please feel better.

I apologize for saying those hurtful words to you, I admit that I was completely wrong and I shouldn’t have said all that I said.
There are indeed no words to tell you how much sad I am that I got to hurt your feelings that much.
It was never intended and hopefully, I will do everything within my power to make sure that it never happens again.
I just want you to feel alright and know that I always have your back no matter what.

I sincerely apologize for the way I reacted the other day, you were just trying to communicate with me and I didn’t let you.
I’m usually not short-tempered and you know it but I totally let my emotions cloud my words.
These past days without speaking to you have been both reflective and miserable for me.
I sincerely wish that I didn’t flare up the way that I did.
I just want to let you know that I am so sorry for everything.

I am sorry about our quarrel earlier this morning, I guess it was a joke gone wrong.
I had no idea you were going to take it like that.
I guess I went overboard with the teasing and I never should have.
You are far too kind and I took that for granted.
I have learnt from this experience and I promise to never hurt your feelings with my words ever again.
Please forgive me.

I apologize for my inability to keep my promise.
I gave you my word that I would come to help you out and I failed knowing how much faith you had put in my presence.
My love, I’m not here to make excuses for myself but to simply tell you that I feel terrible for breaking my word and more importantly to let you know that it would never happen again.
You are such a special man and you deserve nothing but the best from me.

I’m so sorry that I couldn’t make it to our dinner date knowing how much you went out of your way to make it happen.
I cannot begin to imagine how you feel right now but you have to believe me when I tell you that I am incredibly sorry to have let you down.
I’m well aware that you don’t have a lot of time to spare so it must have hurt so much for me to not show up.
Can I please take you out soon? My treat.

I apologize for getting you so upset and hurt, you are never one to get upset easily and that’s how I know that I messed up real bad.
But please I ask that you don’t stay mad at me for too long, my poor heart can’t take it.
Meanwhile, I promise to work more on the things that I say and how I say it.
No one deserves to be talked to in that manner especially you, my darling.
Please say that you forgive me and I can’t wait to see you smiling back at me again.

My apologies for being completely unbearable during my last visit, there is just no excuse for my attitude and I am so sorry for getting you all worked up like that.
I know how disappointed you are with me at the moment and to be fair I thoroughly deserve it but please I can’t bear you being that unhappy with me.
I wish I could turn back the hands of time and bring different energy but then again, I really am sorry.

I still can’t believe that I did what I did and I know apologises do not make up for everything that I did but I need you to know that I am sincerely sorry for hurting your feelings and acting like it didn’t matter so much.

I cannot believe that a day would come when I actually hurt you.
You mean so much to me so please believe me when I say that I had no idea that you will feel that way about my actions.
I am so sorry about everything, I really am.

I feel so terrible that the one person I sincerely care about is also the one person I turn around to hurt.
You are such a good man and I hate that I made you feel this way.
I wish you could see my heart and know how sorry I truly am.

You have opened up your heart to me and let me inside and I hurt you, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am that it is I who has made you feel this way.
You should know that I don’t take you for granted and that I miss you so much.
Please forgive me, my love.

Hurting your feelings was never part of my plan; it has always been to love you and be here for you.
So it is with my whole heart that I ask you to kindly forgive me for my actions.

Dear _________,

We have something so good together and I am afraid that I might have ruined that forever. I hope that this is not the case, even though I know that I am the person who is at fault here.

I am eternally sorry that I completely betrayed your trust. A good, healthy relationship should be built on honesty and I was not completely honest with you about what has been going on lately. You cannot imagine how remorseful I feel over this.

You deserve to have a girlfriend who is honest with you and I have fallen short of that standard. I promise to do better from now on. No more secrets and no more lies. I do not want to risk losing you.

I need to learn to be comfortable in my own skin and to share everything about myself with you. Please give me a chance to gain your trust back. How can I make things better with us? I love you.

Dear __________,

Because you are my boyfriend, I know that I should share all of my thoughts with you, but instead, I kept it all to myself.

I am sorry for keeping you in the dark like this. We should be partners, not strangers, and it is my fault that I feel like a stranger to you right now.

You do not deserve to have secrets kept from you and I will communicate my feelings to you better from now on. You deserve a woman who will share her whole life with you and that is exactly what I want to do.

Can you please forgive me for not being open with you? I am sorry for not expressing myself but I will work on it. I promise to let you in more. This is a relationship that I am fully committed to and I want to prove that to you.

Even if I tried to come up with an excuse for everything I’ve done, it would be impossible. This time, I have screwed up beyond imagination. And it can be made pretty evident by the fact that I’ve lost the only thing that could lighten me up in my darkest moments. I know it is pretty hard for you to believe me right now, but I really do love you, even more than I could possibly love myself, and losing you from my life forever would really be the end of me. So here I am, giving up even the slightest sense of egoism I may had before, just to seek forgiveness. Mere words truly have no meaning, especially when addressed to an issue as crucial as this.

Thus, I am prepared to do whatever it takes for us to pick up from where we left, before all of this. Please forgive me, I love you. I know that you may feel like you’ve wasted your time on me, or that I am a complete screw-up. And thing is, both of those statements are not entirely false. I’m a disgrace that has done some despicable things, bad enough to break your heart. And I truly deserve the worse, which I got the second I lost you from my life. All I ever wanted, was to live out the rest of my life with you. Wake up every single day to the sight of your beautiful eyes, fall asleep every night to the scent of your perfume. Yet, my actions have caused me to have neither. So here I am, asking for nothing but your forgiveness, and for you to give me the chance to make it up to you. I love you.

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